Friday, November 24, 2023

Taking Stock: Gaza


I plan on continuing with my series discussing Bob Bishop's paranoid right-wing rant.  Because the political successes of anti-immigrant, racist, right-wing politicians around the world seems to me to be indicative of the vulnerability of significant portions of the human race to his sort of scapegoating politics. 

But I just thought that it needs to be said that Israel's genocidal rampage in Gaza is a litmus test for one's humanity.  When Anglo-American writers wax philosophical about the failures of the societies of Germany, Russia, Japan, for their descent into totalitarianism or militarism, there's this unstated premise that our societies have successfully avoided such errors.  This notion is erroneous.  When one really takes stock of the amount of blood and trauma unleashed upon countries (mainly in the Middle East) in the USA's "Great Bullshit War on Terror," ... the millions of lives arrogantly destroyed and forgotten by the US imperialists and their lickspittle "alllies," and then add to that the murderous, racist criminality of Israel's assault on Gaza (and on Palestinians in the West Bank) it is clear that these are failed, rotten societies.

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian dictatorship.  People risked their lives to protest against it.  And quite a few did.  We in the Anglo-American countries don't risk as much as opponents of Hitler did.  We have, though, stupidly allowed our governments and our states to restrict our rights in their GBWT with things like the Patriot Act (in the USA) or the Anti-Terrorism Act (here in Canada).  But we still don't risk concentration camps or executions for speaking-out against our governments.  Even though the mainstream media is a useless, propagandistic joke, we do have access to other media sources that reveal the extent of the lies and the corruption and the cruelty of our actions in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Israel.

Most of the (small number of) people who read my blog don't support these policies or make apologies for Zionist mass-murder, but significant portions of our societies do.  And we do very little to stop them.  The Trudeau Liberals' failure to utterly condemn Israel's inhuman slaughter in Gaza is a disgrace.  A greater disgrace than their disgraceful standing ovation for a former Ukrainian SS soldier.

If you want to know how civilizations collapse into militarist, racist dictatorships, keep watching our own country.  Keep watching our fellow Canadians as they delude and debase themselves, and us.


Danneau said...

Needs to be repeated widely. Thanks.

thwap said...

Thanks Danneau,

I've just exited a blog full of liberal centrists where I used to put up with their ignorance and hypocrisy on things like Russia vs. Ukraine to discuss some social side-issues of importance to me.

These were generally intelligent, decent people. But 90% of them lined-up behind Israel during this tragedy. Because I had some respect for them I tried to debate with them, but it only caused them to further disgrace themselves by either rationalizing atrocities or arguing in bad faith by ignoring every single point (of many) that there was no counter-argument for.

What little faith in collective humanity I had took another big hit.