Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Utterly Disgusted With Canada's Defunding of UNRWA

 Can Canada sink any lower?  This blog records my increasing disillusionment with my country, my fellow citizens, with humanity in general, over the years.  And now, with Israeli cabinet ministers openly calling for ethnic cleansing (as they slaughter 30,000 civilians with bombs and are deliberately starving 2,000,000 more) I see the Trudeau government disgracing itself (and us) by defending Israel against charges of genocide and defunding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).  It does this disgusting act in response to the Apartheid State of Israel's allegations that a handful of Palestinians in Gaza who worked for UNRWA participated in the attacks on October 7th.

So fucking what?  Even if these allegations are true, Hamas is no worse than the IDF.  By any calculation.  And de-funding UNRWA only serves to worsen the catastrophe of starvation and misery being perpetrated by those scumbags in the Netanyahu government.

Trudeau can make all the mewling noises that he wants; whether its voting for a ceasefire at the UN General Assembly or mildly rebuking an openly racist Israeli "Victory Conference" in Jerusalem, where card-carrying members of the Israeli Nazi Party say shit like:

"They [Palestinians] will leave. We don't give them food, we don't give them anything. They have to leave," she said in English. "The world will accept them."

None of these token acts mitigate Trudeau's slavish devotion to Israeli apartheid or blind us to his complete lack of moral integrity.


Troy said...

Well, time to get the Palestinians under UNHCR then. Maybe that'll make the Israeli's happy (it won't, of course. They'd become absolutely incensed).

thwap said...


I don't know what to do. I don't know what's possible. I never thought we were so debased.

zoombats said...

Seems to me we have seen this before. Dare I stick my neck out and make the comparison?
The term “Final Solution" was a euphemism View. It referred to the mass murder of Europe’s Jews. It brought an end to policies aimed at encouraging or forcing Jews to leave the German Reich and other parts of Europe. Those policies were replaced by systematic annihilation.
The order might have been a bit reversed but it still looks like "shovelling the same old shit and calling it sugar". (not my quote).
I have said that i wish Justine would grow a pair but that seems unlikely at this rate where he is so shit scared of being labeled.

thwap said...


It's entirely fair to call Netanyahu and every Israeli cheering on this slaughter as Adolph Hitler's soul-mates. They're utterly deranged.

It's disgusting the way they've befouled themselves.

And Trudeau's inability to see what is so clear. An idiot and a coward.

There's a whole political eco-system of shit-heads.