Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Various & Sundry


1.  I think the main USA/NATO plan was for the sanctions to cripple Russia's economy, making the war with Ukraine unaffordable.  In a one-to-one conflict, super-corrupt, smaller Ukraine could never hope to prevail against less-corrupt, much larger Russia.  I believe this possibility was also on Putin's mind and it was one of the reasons he attempted to pursue diplomacy to avoid a war.  (I'm sure that he had other reasons.)

When the sanctions didn't have their desired effect (for NATO) it became a question of supporting Ukraine in the same way that when you try to pick something up off the floor with your toes instead of reaching down to get it with your fingers, but your clumsy toes can't quite do it, so you expend more effort under the [what's it called?] "sunk-cost fallacy" continuing to paw at the floor with your foot until you either luck out or curse the fates and bend down and use your trusty fingers to get the thing that is farther away than it was before.

In the case of Ukraine, Ukrainians had to die in the tens of thousands because USA neo-cons are vain idiots who knew the whole world was watching/it meant less to them to pretend the impossible was possible than it does for a person to give up trying to grasp something with their toes/USA electoral time-tables also determined when Ukrainians (and Russians) should stop dying.  But it's quite clear that the USA's foreign policy elites have agreed to wash their hands of the Ukraine debacle.  It seemed that the moron Antony Blinken wanted to allow Ukraine to fire British long-range missiles at Russian cities (despite Putin's clear warning that this would mean war between Russia and NATO) but this proposal was "shot down" by the Defense Department and Biden agreed and no other neo-cons were willing to push the issue.  (It seems the British are more committed to this entire stupid adventure for unimportant reasons of their own.)

How will it end?  Obviously, Ukraine is going to lose.  Trump might win the election and completely abandon Ukraine a little faster than Kamala Harris might.  But it seems that Putin is in no hurry to achieve this victory.  Western propaganda about Russian "human wave" assaults and massive casualties are garbage.  These shameless hacks write that Russia's casualities are higher than Ukraine's, despite the fact that Russia has far more artillery, air power, and everything, than Ukraine has.  Ukraine's resistance is crumbling.  It's political system has no legitimacy.  Russia won't be interested in more paper assurances from the duplicitous West.  Nobody in the Zelensky regime has any legitimacy in Ukraine outside of the Nazi movement.  Putin isn't interested in "negotiating" with those losers.  This war will be settled on Russia's terms and the only question is whether cartels of thieves like Black Rock will exert pressure on anyone to preserve their takings of Ukrainian resources.

2. Who rules?  The USA or Israel?  Many self-educated men (wearing homburgs or fedoras for whatever reason) will tell you that "the Jews" run everything.  EVERYTHING.  No matter what happened or is happening or is going to happen, somehow "the Jews" are behind it all.  Given the enormity of their claims and the disputes between these thinkers about what has happened, is happening, or will happen, these all encompassing theories tend to be non-falsifiable. (For instance: Was Adolph Hitler one of these "It's 'the Jews' behind everything" chaps or was he something else that may or may not have been a product of some Jewish plot or other?)

Is Israel "the tail that wags the dog" that is the USA?  Or is the USA by far the most powerful country in the world using Israel as a means to project power in the strategically super-valuable Middle East in the same way that it was intended to do so by the British in the 1920's?

The kingdoms of Jordan and Saudi Arabia were created by the British and the United States to serve their interests.  Iran was a loyal servant of the USA until the 1979 Revolution.  Israel existed as a threat to Arab nationalism if they get out of line.  In return, Israel gets to colonize Palestine.  

It's a symbiotic relationship.  The Israelis have their own agenda.  So does Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia has shown some autonomy in letting the US-backed, desired war in Yemen dwindle down as Yemen showed its ability to strike Saudi oil-fields.  It has mended relationships with Syria and Iran after decades of US-instigated political divisions have wreaked countries like Iraq, Syria, Libya.  It is moving towards the BRIC's organization.  Saudi Arabia is manouevering between the two centers of world power.

In the not so distant past, Pakistan was seen as important for the USA's policies in Central Asia, most specifically, Afghnaistan.  Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies were allowed a fair degree of autonomy and the USA tolerated a lot of shenanigans from them.  But nobody would assert that Pakistan controlled the US's political system.  It's the same with Israel.

Israel's current genocidal policies are indicative of that country's decline.  Israel has become a highly divided country of various forms of religious zealotry and cultural chauvinists.  It's political system has become increasingly extremist, fascist and thereby corrupt.  I think the Hamas attack was a genuine effort to derail the normalization of Israeli and Saudi relations.  But I also think that Netanyahu and others knew about it and let it happen so as to create a crisis that would prolong his political career and save him from criminal charges.

This deranged society's deranged leaders have decided to remove their mask and expose themselves for the expansionist, exterminationist entity that they are.

Everything from October 7th, 2023 points to Netanyahu's weakness and desperation, and thereby, the instability and incoherence of Israeli society.  Blinken, and all the other zionists in Washington obviously agree with this genocidal project.  Remember, Blinken is an insane, racist idiot.  Zionist across the country agree with this policy.  Here in Canada we have presentations in synagogues detailing how to purchase newly-stolen Palestinian land. (And whining that it is "HATE" to be opposed to this.)

These are not Israelis.  These are Americans.  American zionists.  American Evangelical Christians who believe in Israel's necessity for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  American oil companies and weapons contractors.  Israel lashes out at countries that defy the USA (Syria, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Libya under Gaddafi).  Its presence no doubt keeps Jordan in line.  It has tamed Arab nationalism and unity.

There are many powerful groups in the USA who see Israel as valuable for them.  Do Israelis take advantage of this?  No doubt.  Do they brag about their importance and claim it is greater than it is?  No doubt.  Are Israelis separate actors from the USA with their own agenda that might conflict in ways large or small with the USA's leadership?  Yes.  Can they sometimes ignore the USA and do their own thing?  Yes.  

The way that I see it, a lot of people like Blinken are genuinely enthusiastic about this genocide. Biden sees it as a bonanza for the military-industrial complex.  And you have to remember; these people are STUPID.  Sick systems produce sick incentives for sickening people.  Are we to be surprised when their deranged projects blow-up in their faces?  These stupid shit-fucks lost in Afghanistan.  They lose everywhere they go.  Netanyahu is a crimininally insane fascist.

Israel is the product of decades of enabling and coddling the most racist, self-pitying, self-righteous, deluded adherents of a religion.  Religion means "deluded."  There are no Gods or God or whateverthefuck.  Yaweh likes to have a tight rubber band around his scrotum while he's being pegged.

So, there was a leak. It revealed Israel's plans for a strike on Iran.  I think it might have been the US-Americans who leaked it. I don't think Biden wants war with Iran.  Because it'll drive up oil prices and might lead to a nuclear war.  Perhaps that is how Biden reins-in Netanyahu.  "Thus far and no farther."

Or, maybe there was a disgruntled official with a lot of clearance who doesn't want World War III.

The last thing is that missiles and/or rockets (what IS the difference?!?) have evened the playing field between Israel and it's enemies in the area.  Israel had it's US-provided airforce.  It could bomb its neighbours with near-impunity.  But those days are all over with.

Iran doesn't want to get destroyed (or at least badly mauled) by an insanely vengeful Israel.  But at some point (and Israel's promised response to Iran's very measured retaliations to Israel's stupid provocations might be the tipping-point) Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen and who knows who else, will REALLY bring the pain to Israel.  Israel which has no defence in depth.  Iran is capable of destroying all of Israel's civilian infrastructure.  

If the new leaders of Hezbollah, and the Iraqi militias and the Iranians lose their patience, thousands of US soldiers in the area will be killed.  Israel will be destroyed.  It will not be a viable country.  It is already a pariah state.  Russia and China are winning the public relations campaign against the US empire.  The wind is blowing against Israel.  If Israel uses nukes or threatens to use nukes, Putin might decide that the Global South would appreciate it if he eradicated this last bastion of European expansionism.

The thing is, Hamas agreed to a 2002 diplomatic initiative proposed by the USA's tamed Arab states, recognizing Israel within its 1967 borders.  Israel rejected it outright.  And now, it seems, that Netanyahu allowed the Hamas attack on October 7th, 2023 to be carried out, and he deliberately slaughtered hundreds of his fellow Israelis on that day both to reduce the number of hostages and to have a higher body count to go with his blood-libel against the Palestinians of rapes and beheaded babies.

And, since he can't fuck his wife anymore, Bibi gratifies himself by exterminating the Palestinians and promising his degenerate, racist country-persons that he'll build three-car garage suburbs for them over the corpses of the Arabs.

But in the end, what fat, stupid, corrupt, smelly, cowardly, incontinent Bibi Nootentootinyahoo only achieved was Israel's total destruction.  Its economy is already in the toilet.  People are fleeing the country.  The ICKF is getting its child killing ass kicked hard by Hezbollah (again). And perhaps one more atrocity on Israel's part will bring down a death shower of missiles from the entire region.

It might have been the case that in 2002 the Israelis really had their Jewish state.  Their Zionist dream.  And through racist arrogance they lost it all in 2024.

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