Saturday, February 15, 2025

Did Naziyahoo Blink?


After posting (not too long ago) about the chances for renewed conflagration in the Middle East by Saturday, I read Caitlin Johnstone's [then] latest post.  

The other major story today is that Israel appears to be backing down on its ceasefire brinkmanship in Gaza. Barak Ravid reports for Axios that according to an unnamed Israeli official, Israel has told mediators that it will abide by the ceasefire terms as long as Hamas releases three hostages on Saturday as originally planned.

This would be a significant walk-back from the Netanyahu regime, who shortly beforehand had been insisting that Hamas must release “all” hostages on Saturday, which went against the terms of the ceasefire agreement.

Additionally, the aid requirements Hamas had been demanding now appear to be flooding in from Israel.

Remember, ... despite the occasional blustering threat (followed by nothing) Israel has made no further military moves against Iran.  And if the USA and Israel thought that they could, they would do so.  But Iran has shown Israel that it can devastate Israel with missiles and, furthermore, that the pants-pissing cowards in the Israeli airforce have a high chance of dying if they attempt to penetrate Iranian airspace.

The ICKF (Israeli Child Killing Forces) cannot fight Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen and whatever anti-Israeli  forces remain in Syria.  Israel's tattered economy is on USA-funded life-support.  Thousands have fled.  Thousands are internal refugees.  Businesses are shuttered.  Even if Trump had the USA foot the bill for the subsidies to keep the Israeli state functioning, the US weapons manufacturing industry is incapable of producing what would be needed for a genuine conflict between Israel and its regional adversaries.

Maybe for Israel this is like their buddy, Adolph Hitler's Nazi Germany at it's high-point just before the Battle of Stalingrad.  Although overstretched, Nazi Germany appeared to be in the driver's seat.  Hitler's southern strategy to seize the Caucus oil fields had surprised the battered Red Army.  The German Wermacht wasn't capturing as many Soviet prisoners but it was still winning.  To his west, Britain was at bay but still in the fight.  And the independence of the British Isles would allow it to become a staging area for British and eventually US-American bombers as well as for a US-American-dominated invasion force.

As well, a war between Israel and Iran would cause an increase in the price of oil.  That will cause yet another surge of inflation all around which will only make the increasingly oligarchic nightmare of the USA's political-economy all that much more of a tinderbox.


Anonymous said...

Thwap, you are so full of Iranian shit.

The Iranians can’t ’devastate’ Israel with a missile barrage.

Sure they can blow-up an empty warehouse and punch a hole in the tarmac at Tel Nof, but that’s it.

Israelis don’t have to devastate Iran, just kill the leadership in their homes. Which they can do, ask Hamas about that one.

The IAF has entered Iranian airspace repeatedly and skipped away. Their SA-15 GAUNTLET operators can shoot down passenger planes, but little else.

And then there is business on the high seas…….but that isn’t for you.

thwap said...

Dear Nazi Fuck-Face,

You are so full of Zionazi shit. Israel hasn't done anything to Iran since it's air assault turned into a wet fart.

Iran has demonstrated that it can overwhelm Israel's defences and hit anything that it wants.

Iran just has to take into consideration that the Israelis are total degenerates who would happily nuke the world just to prove that their stupid culture is the sickest on the planet.

You haven't said anything about how the ICKF was completely incapable of advancing against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

If Israel was at all capable of injuring Iran they'd have done so. But they can't, so they haven't.

Now of course, Iran has a treaty with Russia.

I don't pretend that Iran, Russia, China, or anyone opposed to the deranged imbeciles in Washington or Tel Aviv are "good guys." I do know that the deranged imbeciles in Washington and Tel Aviv (and all their moronic shit-cock sycophants such as your shit-headed self) have been exposed as the disgusting, cowardly, incapable bullies that they are.

But you keep whacking-off to your fantasies about the taste of Naziyahoo's smegma.

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing that little boys like you think they know everything that is going on. 😂

The Iranians hit very little of value. The IDF remains in Lebanon. And Gaza? Well fuck those guys.

Tehran isn’t afraid, but they are limited in their options and are wary of IAF’s strike abilities.

But hey, keep being the pathetic loser you have always been.

Anyone take your calls on your worker as citizens idea? 😂

thwap said...

You are so fucking stupid.

Nothing you say means anything.

The ICKF got it's ass kicked by Hezbollah.

Israel's "revenge" for the [as you put it] minor damage from Iran's missile attack [ that they swore up and down that Iran would pay for] WAS a complete dud.

You need to pull your head out of whichever parent's stinking anus you have decided to dedicate your existence to.

Because when you emerge to type your little love-letters to me you are, unsurprisingly, incapable of comprehending how much of a hopeless shit-head you are.

Having said all that, I'll repeat (in case I'm communicating with someone with a higher IQ than a fly) that if you weren't full of noxious shit, you would have brought up some very recent history showing how iran is suffering more than previously.

But your ICKF fuck-shits and your sex-symbol Naziyahoo have proven themselves to be the same garbage that you are.

The equivalent of some anonymous coward typing shit that they're too stupid to understand, exposes them for the empty waste-of-the-reproductive-system that they are.

You have to understand: It's not that I'm smarter than you (that goes without saying), but that your idiotic, racist, perverted sexual fantasies, only expose you for the anus brain that you are.

Anonymous said...

😂 Smarter? Is that why your life is the success that it is?

Did you see the IAF buzz Beirut during the funeral? I guess all the IADS operators were asleep eh?

Oh and post when find a better job and buy a house. 😂

Fucking loser.

Anonymous said...

This is it Thwap, the sum total of your activism.

Babble and enmasse?



You don’t attend those anymore.

Workers as Citizens?

Went no where.

So this is it. Screaming into the void using a platform that reached peak popularity 20 years ago.

A life well lived. 😂

thwap said...

Bitch, please!

Of course I'm smarter than you!

I have told you again and again and again that your empty insults are meaningless to me.

I have told you over and over again that if you really want to show me up, that all you have to do is best me in an actual argument.

But in all of the many, many years that you've been stalking me you have never even attempted to do so.

Because you're incapable.

As it is, the only impact you have on me is to make me astonished that anyone who can type a complete sentence can be so incredibly fucking stupid.

And this little bit:

"This is it Thwap, the sum total of your activism.

Babble and enmasse?



You don’t attend those anymore.

Workers as Citizens?

Went no where.

So this is it. Screaming into the void using a platform that reached peak popularity 20 years ago."

You really are OBSESSED with me aren't you?

I must say, that even though your puerile right-wing vibe makes me think you're some Ben Shapiro loving incel, there's something about you that makes me think you're some past conquest who really misses my cock. There have been a few of them over the years and some of them got really toxic.

That's how freaky your insanity comes across.

How did you get so damaged? How did you get so fucked-up?

This is my invitation to use this space to unload all the crap that's contributed to you being the person so insane that they follow someone else they claim to think is a total loser for over a goddamned DECADE.

You really are fucked in the head.

Oh yeah, ... whatever abuse or whatever that you've suffered, and that has turned you into a monster, ... it didn't help that you were born with shit for brains in any case.

I'm publishing your stupid comments so that my other [few] readers can witness your filthy idiocy.

Anonymous said...

Because it is hilarious. When you die you will have achieved nothing in your life.

Just alone with your anger. I hope it keeps you warm at night. 😂

thwap said...

Oh honey, ... If'n you ONLY KNEW.

I know what keeps you warm at night.



Thinking of me.



I mean, after all, this has been going on for YEARS now, hasn't it?

Serious question time: Did your father molest you?

trevorus said...

The answer is yes. Anon was repeatedly molested by his entire family and kept begging for more. The giant buttplugs Uncle Bruce would get him for Xmas were legendary.

thwap said...


Yeah. I'm getting the same vibe from this creep. Although I'm genuinely torn between whether it's a "he" or a "she." Either way, ... something's broken beyond repair.

I've been doing a lot of overtime at work lately and I've wanted to post this n' that. But I just haven't had the time. Thanks for stopping by and something'll show up eventually.