Friday, October 16, 2009

Clarifying Things (For Right-Wing Idjits)

When critics of "Canada's Worst Government" point to things like diplomat Richard Colvin's SIXTEEN memos from Kabul, outlining his concerns about the torture of our prisoners in the Afghan prison system, and demand AN INVESTIGATION into the government's complicity in WAR CRIMES, that's not the same thing as pronouncing guilt upon the government.

Do you understand? I might believe that the harpercon government knew all about the tortures, rapes, and all the other abominations of our "mission" (tm.) in Afghanistan, but I'm not calling for stephen harper or Peter MacKay to be summarily jailed. We critics of this government and this mission are calling for an INVESTIGATION to establish who is responsible for these war crimes.

Now then, for all the right-wing lemmings who have such an uncontrollable physical lust for the revolting stephen harper, and who are all so touchingly concerned that he and the rest of his gang of idiots and scum remain innocent until proven guilty, ... did you have the same concern for Canadian citizens who were labelled as "terrorists" by CSIS which then shared its witless accusations with other nations' "intelligence" agencies, including those that practised torture? Because those men suffered very real consequences due to these accusations.

How can you be so quick to give the benefit of the doubt to a foreign minister who claims not to have noticed SIXTEEN memos from an official in Kabul outlining concerns about war crimes while at the same time you remain unrepentant about the torture suffered by innocent fellow citizens? Even worse, you claim to still have "doubts" about the innocence of these fellow citizens, simply because they're Muslim men and some thick-necked, mouth-breathing goon said they were terrorist suspects?

Could it be because you're rank hypocrites and assholes? I think there's a very strong possibility that that's the case.


Sir Francis said...

I'm not calling for stephen harper or Peter MacKay to be summarily jailed.

Why the fuck not? ;)

thwap said...

Sir Francis,

I see your winking sideways happy face.

I'd just like to emphasize that I'm totally a due process kinda guy.