Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Honest Racism

In the comments section for the last post, Sir Francis mentioned that arguing from ethics or legality with racists was a waste of time. They aren't going to see the injustice of their cases against Maher Arar or any of the other Muslim men being victimized by our "War on Terror" because they're really only interested in shaking a meat-martini at the idea of the torture of some ethnic or ideological "other."

Which got me wondering; is their racism, as dressed up in the CBC comments section as some sort of argument about these men's carelessness at getting tortured and their greed for their tax-dollars, so sickening because these stupid arguments are an pathetic attempt to hide the ugly racism that inspires it?

Would they be less revolting if they were only more honest about who they were?

Or would the sight of their naked racism be even more disgusting than the yammering stupidity they exhibit on the internet?

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