Monday, January 24, 2011

That Fucking Liar "fergusrush"

Over here, I spent considerable time trying to defend and advance Dr. Dawg's thesis about right-wing violence against the deluded nitwit "Peter 1" who wants to pretend (when it suits his purposes) that there is no phenomenon of right-wing violence in the USA, and the pompous ass "fergusrush" who simply wants to pretend that he isn't a contemptible idiot. (Can a pompous ass be a lunatic? It doesn't feel right, since a pompous ass would have to be boring while a lunatic is anything but. However, there's something deranged about "fergusrush's" behaviour that makes me want to combine the two afflictions.)

"fergusrush" is either the worst sort of liar, the kind that affects wounded self-pity when called on his lies, or, his thought processes are so terribly convoluted that only he can pretend to understand what he's saying at any given moment.

The denouement of our battle in that thread comes from "fergusrush" being exposed for failing to understand the meaning of the word "brandish." Exposed, "fergusrush" like the lying sleaze-bag that he is, waits a couple of days after his last witless entry to mewl and cry that up is down, black is white, and he hasn't been utterly humiliated.

What is this you're asking, gentle readers? Just two losers arguing on the internet. Nothing to see here. I'm just glad I have a blog where I don't have to allow some lying fuckwad to have the last word.

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