Bone-headed politicians seemed determined to punish success ...

Overly generous welfare systems allow others to live comfortably while refusing to work ...

Remember, we're all in this together ...

In all honesty, I have some wealthy acquaintances. I like the way they live. I like the way I live when I'm with them.
But can we dispense with the factually-challenged meme that Canada is a punishingly high tax country where hard-working capitalists are unable to enjoy the fruits of their labour?
And if the class-war sentiments of this post offends anyone, I have to ask if they get just as up in arms when people describe other people on social assistance as chiselling, lazy cheats, and unionized workers as overpaid, lazy crooks?
I get those who are doing well under this abusive system, buying into that meme. The ones I don't get are millions who are being beaten down by this system, doing so
I appreciate your point. But when I think about the well-paid propaganda-spewers, and the business councils, all of them yapping like little dogs about the big bad tax-man, I can't see how they lack the decency to STFU with their lies.
The chumps who believe that wealthy speculators and sweat-shop owners deserve their treasures are more inexplicable in the end, but that this b.s. has any traction at all ...
God i'm so inarticulate tonight.
You know what?
There's a strain of christian theology at work in this. And that religion being as corrupt as it is anything from one sect that another sect might be able to use and abuse is fair game. Thus you get:
Wealth is evidence of gaaaawd's favour so trying to take away wealth is insulting to gaaaawd.
All the rest of the "love your neighbour" and the "rich man/eye of the needle" shit is just so much incomprehensible mumbling to these pricks.
I've sat in their houses...don't even try and give me shit about this fucked up religion called christianity.
So anyway, most of the funders for the propaganda spewers are probably gawwwwd feerin' sunday mornin' church goin' men with assholes the size of melons and wives as tired as the whore of babylon.
I think it was the last image. It came from a site advertising the place as "for sale." It said it came with a chapel.
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