Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cultivators of Chaos


"Islamism."  "Antisemitism." "Illegal immigration." These are three things that one or both of the liberal/conservative divide obsess about.  But a look at current events and the history of the past half-century clearly shows that our elites clearly can't be too concerned about these issues since they do so much to perpetuate them.


Islamism is the belief in a radical, fundamentalist version of Islam that rejects the idea of coexistence with other faiths.  Inside territories controlled by them Islamists utterly forbid the practice of other faiths and even other versions of Islam.  In territories not under their control Islamists demand the right to segragationist policies, keeping their communities apart from the secular values, including legal, political and religious freedoms, of the society they inhabit.  They want the recognition of Sharia law within their communities and non-interference from outsiders.  In so doing, they cultivate a nest of vipers within these states, useful for conducting violent jihad abroad and, eventually, within the secular West itself.

Truly, a terrifying menace.

So why then has the foreign policy genuises in Washington DC (from the CIA, to the State Department) continuously supported the fundamentalist Wahhabist Saudi Arabia and utilized fundamentalist warriors since at least the 1990's when they were used by the CIA in the wars to destroy Yugoslavia?

This whole topic once constituted the "Clash of Civilizations" after all.  This was the existential struggle for the West after the fall of the Soviet Union.  The narrative at the time was "It's awesome that the Cold War is over.  Unfortunately there's a new threat that we face.  Sadly, we cannot relax our vigilance or our military spending because if we do, we'll all be crushed by Islamist jihadists who will overthrow our democracies and subject us all to their fundamentalist version of Sharia Law!"

Now, if words mean anything, a "Clash of Civilizations" and all the hyperbolic language used to describe the Islamist threat makes it a damned curious thing to find out that the USA is actually supporting a government that exports fundamentalist jihadists.  It would seem senseless for the USA to be employing radical Muslim fighters to topple secular Arab governments in Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Unless it's all a lot of hooey.

Unless the Western-led oligarchy is just inventing threats to justify their surveillance states and military-industrial-complexes and to frighten people into racist and anti-racist voting patterns and to invent justifications for harsher population control measures under the guise of "fighting terrorism."

Because, you know, if the USA-led foreign-policy/"intelligence" agencies really did care about this stuff, they've had three decades to see the "blowback" from using Islamic fundamentalist warriors as mercenaries since they used them in Yugoslavia.  Since then, it's been Afghanistan, Syria, Libya.  And who knows where else?  It's not behind the monsters/idiots at the CIA to be employing them in Africa to destabilize governments with anti-colonial ideas.  It's pretty certain they're now being employed in Russia in the next phase of the NATO war with Russia


Liberals and progressives have shown themselves surprisingly vulnerable to brainwashing.  I first noticed this with the alarming success of the shit-for-brains "Russiagate" conspiracy.  Then they all started parroting NATO talking points about an "unprovoked" Russian invasion of Ukraine, refusing to acknowledge the clear evidence of a US-instigated coup in Kiev that empowered acknowledged fascist idiots who venerate Hitler ally (is it redundant to add that he was also a murderous antisemite?) Stepan Bandera.  All of the complexities of the history behind the political boundaries between Ukraine and Russia were swept aside.  These lib-prog dimwits simultaneously maintain that Putin is a "madman" with the world's largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, while also being a putz, whose repeated demands that Ukraine not join NATO (thereby bringing an anti-Russian military alliance right up to his southern border on a large front).

All these lib-progs who maintained their consistency against the USA's foreign policy on Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Venezuela, etc., (leaving behind their lib-prog brethren and sistren who abandoned all of their principles as soon as a Democrat like Biden or a Clinton or Obama are at the helm of US imperialism) threw their brains out the window and decided that, in the case of Ukraine, the USA is inspired by principles of peace, democracy, freedom and anti-imperialism.


Gonna finish this off quick.  Just ponder how the USA celebrates the things that create flight from the Latin American nations such as US foreign policy, the policies of local oligarchs/US puppets, and the entire capitalism system.  They pretend to hate illegal immigration but both the Republicans and the Democrats protect the system and individuals who cause it.  Because it riles up conservative voters (including conservative working class voters) and gives the Democrats opportunities for empty virtue-signalling.  Meanwhile, Latin American governments that enact pro-human policies that convince people to stay in their homelands (like Nicaragua's Sandinistas or Venezuela's Bolivarians) are attacked and sanctioned until people start to flee and right-wingers rise up in the hopes of destroying said governments and then implementing the same failed economic policies that cause the populations of other countries to flee.

Right-wingers in Europe are incensed with Muslim refugees, but Europe's governments acquiesce (at best) to the USA's Great Bullshit War on Terror which has created millions of refugees.  Europe impoverishes Africa and then complains about the waves of refugees that their economic colonialism produces.


Evil or Stupid?  Both!  Our leaders are insane and they believe contradictory thoughts at the same time.  They compartmentalize their beliefs in the same way they do their humanity.  They think that refugees cause destabilization of their countries' social fabrics while at the same time seeing refugees as a convenient wedge issue for elections, and, as well, they see their oligarchic economic policies as awesome and benevolent while ignoring the devastation that they case.


zoombats said...

Hey Thwap.

"Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor I'll piss on 'em
That's what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses
Let's club 'em to death
And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard"

Lou Reed, "Dirty Boulevard"

thwap said...


I love that album.

zoombats said...

Yeah Man! Some of us are paying attention.

"Stick a fork in their ass and turn 'em over, they're done"
P.S. Whatever became of Orwell's Bastard?

thwap said...

Maybe he'd answer an email to view his blog. I'm pretty sure he's moved on.