Thursday, September 26, 2024

Doug Ford on a Rolllllll


This is from an image search for "grifter politician." I didn't want to post a picture of Doug Ford's ugly mug.  I've heard it's a good film.

The fat fuck first bellowed his garbage about CUPE Ontario leader Fred Hahn being a "disgusting human being" and an "antisemite" for condemning genocide-committing Israel's presence at the Olympics.  Then he got enraged at Toronto school children participating in a march in support of the First Nations at Grassy Narrows (supposedly there are two valid "both sides" to poisoning an entire community and then abandoning them).  Now he's yammering like an idiot about building a 50-80 km tunnel under the 401 to alleviate gridlock.

His being premier is an indictment of our society.

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