Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stupid Humanity


Desperately stupid Conservative Party of Canada supporters shrieking about Liberal-NDP corruption as if nobody ever heard of Mike Duffy, or Paul Carson.  As if they forgot about their party's disgusting electoral fraud in the 20  federal election.  These imbeciles rant and rave about Jagmeet Singh's pension (supposedly if the Trudeau government falls, Singh will inevitably lose his seat and his MP's pension will be smaller) as if Pierre Poilievre isn't also going to receive a pension.  As if Poilievre hasn't spent his entire working life as a politician.

Catholics continuing to go to their churches on Sundays to take moral instruction from a mobbed-up group of pedophiles.

The Democrat fuck-faces at "DailyKos" believing they're supporting good vs. evil by playing a game of "nuclear chicken" with Russia, using Ukrainian nazis as their proxies.

Fans of Donald Trump.

Deniers of global warming.

Antony Blinken singing "Rocking In The Free World" in Kiev.

People who say that the pandemic was a hoax.

Supporters of Zionism.


zoombats said...

You forgot to mention the eyeballs and limbs blown out and off by the fucking terrorist Israeli blood thirsty, cowardly cult. When will these asswipes finally stop with the old right to defend itself and get with the program. Booby trapping unsuspecting civilians is more than a contravention of international but is so despicable for words. Therefore if I am not allowed to "hate" Israeli leaders without being called an anti semite do I have to keep taking shit for the rest of my
days from the great grand children of the Holocaust survivors?

thwap said...


No. You do not:

"So when you hear about 'soaring antisemitism' and a crisis of anti-Jewish bigotry in our society, that’s what people are talking about. They’re talking about entirely valid and responsible public outcry against the actions of an apartheid state that is materially supported by the most powerful empire that has ever existed.
The thing about smear campaigns is that once they are seen and understood, they always make the smearer look worse than the one being smeared. Keep calling this bullshit out for what it is, and help everyone understand that this is a slimy, disgusting manipulation that’s being used to defend some of the most evil things happening in our world today."