In a sick, depressing sort of way it's funny to watch the Trudeau Liberals and the Poilievre Conservatives squirm and sputter in the face of Trump's threats of massive tariffs as well as outright annexation. Considering both of these parties' support for Israeli annexation of Palestine (including the mass slaughter being used to implement it) their shock and fear over Trump's madness is a trifle pathetic. At least Trump hasn't stated any desire to expel us from our homes once he conquers us. Typing these words, I'm also reminded of Canada's gleeful participation in various [illegal] US sanction regimes against targeted countries like Venezuela, as our leaders panic about Trump's sanctions.
Canada could have teamed-up with Mexico in crafting a response to Trump's bullying. Alas, Canada has spent past decades slighting Mexico (and the rest of Latin America) and trying to cozy-up to the USA as the only other Anglo-American entity in the Western Hemisphere. Plus, our governments serve noxious Canadian mining companies who have the abuse of Mexicans (and the rest of Latin America) as part of their business model.
This sad state is the end result of unprincipled politics. If either of these gangs of shit-heads ever develop the brains and the morality to realize that slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent people is wrong (EVEN when allies do it), that abusing people to steal their resources is wrong, that poisoning people to save money is wrong ... well, ... all of that stuff would mean they wouldn't be Liberals or Conservatives anymore.
Who know what's going to happen? Trump is an idiot with a short attention span. He is not the sort of idiot described by the idiots in the USA liberal-centrist media. Poilievre might be working with advisors to help craft the surrender terms that see him become a US senator. Iran, Yemen, Hezbollah and Hamas (and Russia) might be preparing some surprises if Trump openly allows Pestilence Naziyahooo to get his genocidal freak on again.
We might have to deal with an actual tariff here and there, but a lot of what Trump has been saying lately is mostly to grab attention. Sure, if he can actually do some of it he'd be pleased, like if he can annex Canada or turn Gaza into a resort after cleansing it of annoying brown people or take over Greenland or whatever, but it's not like he's going to bet the farm on any of that stuff. He'll do a few things to see if the door he's pushing on is open, and he'll talk about them until he doesn't after which they will never have happened.
But the real point is to distract everyone from Elon Musk's operation "moving fast and breaking things" . . . specifically, breaking the US government, but leaving whatever's left of it firmly under Trumpian fascist control, courts and congress be damned. As Canadians we have worries, but the people who are really hooped are definitely the Americans.
Purple library guy,
Trump does like to talk a lot of smack. And there's certain logistical realities to the USA's taking over Canada. I think it'd actually be pretty do-able in the long run. But I don't think he's really serious about it.
It's more the reaction of the Librocons to the USA doing to us what THEY have been cheering Israel doing with Palestine. Canada's elites have been so craven, so shamelessly servile, so willing to take the USA's side in every contest (especially against places like Haiti, Mexico, Venezuela, hell we've even pissed-off China) and now they're seeing how much it was appreciated.
The economic consequences of Trump/Musk are likely to be disastrous for the US-American people and (to the extent they're incorporated in the US-led world economy) disastrous for other nations as well.
Well, true enough. And the Canadian establishment, while quick to bristle at Trump's attacks and willing enough to put up counter-tariffs or whatever, seem very slow to realize wider implications of being under attack by the United States. It's like they want to pretend there's still, in spirit or something, a USA at the head of NATO, brutalizing the victims they've always brutalized, holding together the system of international bullying they've always been comfortable with, and they're going to keep acting as if that's the case even though the really existing USA has canned the whole idea of alliances, international "leadership" and so on in favour of Trump's "Just try to hose everybody in every dealing and assume they won't notice what we're doing to everyone else or did to them last time" approach.
Even Charlie Angus, who I like a whole lot, spends a surprising amount of time being mad at Putin, not seeming to notice that our only real reason to be mad at Putin was he was defying the US and we have no reason to care about that any more. And you can see all the Canadian elites still going rar rar rar rar China rar rar rar, when if there's one place that could be useful to us in a trade war with the US, it's China.
It's sort of weird to watch Canada, and the EU for that matter, busily trying to hold together the US-led system of international exploitation with no US leading it.
I'm having the sort of stone where I think I'm only going to make a mistake. So instead of engaging with that post as the other aspect of my stone is compelling me to, ... I'll simply say that was very insightful.
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