Saturday, August 4, 2007


Today's BBC reports on flooding ins South Asia, specifically India and Bangladesh, that has killed hundreds and uprooted Twenty Million People.

Now, I know that there have long been floods in that part of the world, and I know that some people think that global warming is a hoax, a fraud, an effort by the environmental-bio-fuels complex to soak dollars out of a gullible public.

But I also know that most climate-change deniers are funded by big-oil, or can't get published in accredited academic journals, and that the people who remain "skeptics" on global warming are generally pretty easy targets for government propaganda like Saddam's WMDs, and how we're "winning" in Afghanistan or Iraq. I know that these people who will always have their vague, pointless "doubts" about global warming, became instant converts to the theory that the solar system is warming up.

So, I'm not really concerned about convincing those people, because 98% of them are corporate shills and useless dupes.

But, for what it's worth, the maddeningly conservative National Geographic has a little story about the potential floodings from continued global warming, for your consideration.


Unknown said...

You need to read.

hooligan said...

For me, it's the Chicken Little aspect of "climate change" pronouncements that turns me off. I am old enough to remember when the fear was "global cooling", not "global warming". Not being able to keep the story straight is not the best way to convince the public to get behind your program, especially when the public is expected to foot the bill.
I am just somebody who reads or watches the news and hears opposing groups trotting out their tame "experts" to chant their beliefs on the subject. The result is a lot of reasonable doubt, on both sides. And the result of that is inertia; the default option is to remain seated and calm.

thwap said...

Tell me something Wayne. Have you read that report?

thwap said...


The "global cooling" story was (apparently) not backed by significant scientific consensus. Nor were its advocates (for the most part) confident about making predictions.

Seems to me that if China and India begin to approximate the consumption levels of the West, we're in for a lot of trouble.

The answer isn't to condemn the poor countries to penury, but to find a sustainable alternative.

Global Warming is a needed spur to such effort.

And it might even be true.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have.

Basically we know nothing about climate change, other than it changes. Sometimes fast/Sometimes slow.

Most things people become freaked out about are normal, non stable weather events.

thwap said...


So far, the whole thing:

seems to agree that human factors are responsible for the observed increases in global warming.

I've no idea what you're talking about.

"Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.12 This is an advance since the TAR’s conclusion that “most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations”. Discernible human influences now extend to other aspects of climate, including ocean warming, continental-average temperatures, temperature extremes and wind patterns (see Figure SPM.4 and Table SPM.2). {9.4, 9.5}"

"Continued greenhouse gas emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during the 21st century that would very likely be larger than those observed during the 20th century. {10.3}"

Unknown said...

You have a great memory.

I'm going to try and listen better.

I was reading another blog at the time, and typed what I did out of anger. Sorry, childish of me.

If you kick me off it is not cencorship, it is your blog, your turf.

"I have wasted precious time trying to convince you that there are plenty of good reasons for the left to believe what it does, and when stymied, you concede that you'll have to think about things more."

The time was not wasted you do have plenty of good reasons for the left believing what it does, but I have plenty of good reasons for believing what I believe.

But somewhere left and right have to get it together.

We are about as far apart as you can get, but my mind is not closed.

I'm not anti-abortion anymore, I socialize with a gay couple, and I would never have done that in the past. I won't lie, I still am having trouble with their relationship, but it is their relationship.

I may be a slow learner but I can learn, and I feel that those on the left should learn as well.

"You move the goal-posts all over the place, in order to not have to concede that you were wrong."

You were correct I did. I was an asshole for that.

I get so frustrated with the left that I turn to Coulter and Savage.

I know that everything they say is not true, but it makes me feel that we struck back idiot to idiot. Which is not a very mature response. But, neither is Bush bashing.

You have very well written posts, I am better at speaking than typing, so bear with me.

CC has eaten me alive, and you have hit me over the head as well.

So I would like to start again.

Unknown said...

That was wierd!!!! One of my old posts showed up!!!!

Unknown said...

Second Order Draft Comments, Chapter 6; section 6-42:

"In general, the certainty with which this chapter presents our understanding of abrupt climate change is overstated. There is confusion between hypothesis and evidence throughout the chapter, and a great deal of confusion on the differences between an abrupt "climate change" and possible, hypothetical causes of such climate changes."

Scientific consensus on the cause of Global Warming is a Myth as well.

thwap said...

I think the posting of your earlier apology was a Freudian slip wayne.

You are aware that the IPCC is established by governments and has been subjected to political pressure:

This pressure has forced it to water-down the growing consensus that human-centred global warming is a reality.

You find one quote that contradicts, but doesn't cancel out, the tenor of the entire report, and you're satisfied.

It's like you were on a jury, and you listened to a guy saying five times that he killed the victim, but at the end he says that he's innocent, and you decide to say that he must be innocent.

What I find amusing is that you maintain such a healthy skepticism for global warming, but when you hear tell of a theory about "solar-system warming" cobbled together from even lighter evidence, you became an instant convert. Because it suits your pre-established political views.

This isn't "science" or "skepticism" on your part wayne.

It's called grabbing at straws.

I've never said that I know global warming is true.

But it appears to be a genuine threat and as such, we should seek to reorient our societies to accomodate it.