Monday, April 4, 2011

Five Questions For stephen harper

Do you really think the legislature has no right to know about what the government is planning?

When are we going to see the report from the two-year investigation into the alleged rape of Afghan children at the hands of Afghan security forces?

Do you really think that the government has the right to alter public documents and lie to the people about it?

Do you really believe that Parliament shouldn't have the right to compel people to testify to it?

If your "Action Plan" was so awesome, shouldn't you credit the opposition parties who forced you to create it?


Norma said...

Good Points.
And then there's Universal Health Care?

Owen Gray said...

Excellent questions. But, as all Canadians know, Mr. Harper doesn't answer questions.

Which leads to the most important question: Why is this man prime Minister?

thwap said...

Ah, but wouldn't it be sweet if the MSM asked those questions and then filmed his non-replies or his stammering evasions?