Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thoughts About Jack Layton

While I preferred the Jack Layton who held Paul Martin directly responsible for homeless deaths, to the "serious" statesman who wouldn't let his MPs heckle the war-criminal criminal moron psychopath bush II when that piece of shit slithered across our border and was making noises about addressing our Parliament, I always respected Layton.

I said numerous times that he should have gotten more credit for trying to respect the will of the electorate when they gave first, a Liberal (under Paul Martin) and then a harpercon minority. I approved of his reasons for pulling the plug on the detestable Martin government. I approved of his mostly consistent opposition to harper. I especially approved of his saving Canada from Ignatieff's reckless, bizarre election threats back in 2009.

Credit where credit is due, I praised ALL the opposition MPs for forcing that election last spring, even though the partisan stupidity, ignorance, and apathy of the Canadian electorate turned everything into Hell. But credit, especially, to Jack Layton, who consciously subjected himself to the rigours of a national election while in recovery from prostate cancer, all to uphold respect for our parliamentary democracy and respect for the rule of law. Alas!

I won't do anything but mention the existence of the three "scandals" that dogged him. Two weren't scandals at all, but misreporting of the facts. The third was barfed-out 15 years after the fact by a member of the Toronto Police "Service" which gets its kicks ripping the prosthetic legs of amputees, was spread by the vile scum who write for the Sun newspapers, and embraced by blogging tories and Liberal bloggers lacking brain cells.

And I won't quote anything from the vile rant penned by talentless, stupid hack christie belchforth in response to the genuine outpouring of grief and sadness at Layton's passing. That's what she is, that's what she does. Someone on Dawg's Blog said that was through as a serious commentator. She's been done for a while. Her point of no return was when she joined in with Rosie DiMoron to look at leaked info about Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin. That was the day that belchforth decided to stand-up for torture by smearing a brave and honourable Canadian.

When you've dug yourself into a pit that you'll never escape from, you could stop digging, but that would require the self-awareness to know where you are. If christie does know where she is, it's also possible that she likes it. It's also possible that she digs mechanically, not knowing how to do anything else.

Regardless, here's the thing: Jack Layton is ten times the Canadian that belchforth will ever be. Unlike belchforth (and her ilk) Layton opposed torture. Layton opposed denying Parliament its right to hold governments accountable. Layton honoured the NDP by withholding its approval of the sickening scam that continues to hide the reality of how low harper has dragged this country and which has helped that rancid man escape the prison cell to which he remains inevitably headed.

Layton had, for many years running, been the federal leader that most Canadians respected and liked. That's a testimony to his humanity as well as to the still hopeful character of the electorate, however much we failed our past, present, and future, in the last election. Layton never got to be prime minister, but it will be eternally to his credit, that of any NDP leader so far, he came the closest. Let's work to see his dream realized. Let's give Canada a social-democratic national government.


Owen Gray said...

Perhaps, when Canadians finally tire of the Harperites, Canada will get a social democratic government, thwap.

It all depends on who the party chooses to replace Layton.

Purple library guy said...

That's not all it depends on. It's up to everyone.

Anonymous said...

The only people who are going to jail are crooks. Pinkish and leftards will just be shot when the time comes.

thwap said...

Anonymous Gutless Coward,

I know you've been having fun, but, if you're going to insist on this line of commentary, I'm going to have to insist that you provide us with your full real name. (You can provide me, via email, with some way for me to contact you to verify the name you leave.)

This way we'll all know who the big tuff guy is promising to usher in the right-wing fascist dictatorship on all us lefty fairies.

If you choose not to, well, we'll all know you're just a shit-head blow-hard.

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me that these bastards even follow blogs that don't fit with there agenda. I don't lurk around right wing blogs because I can't stand their red neck bullshit. I spend my time on the port side because that is where I get my information and I don't care what Blatchford, Levant, Coren, Beck or Coultur have to say. I expect it so I don't subject myself to it. The use of the "Anonymous" nom de plume is a Con ruse to lead us to believe that many are one. At the expense of freedom of speech, I wouldn't mind if you reserved the right to ban such idiotic responses. I for one don't care to read them. I read your blog because I respect your view, I don't need my day ruined by this conservative tripe because it makes me feel even more hopeless at defeating it.

thwap said...

Are you Mark the ex-pat Canadian now living in the USA? I didn't know you were still reading.

I wonder what "conservatives" like my anonymous blowhard are trying to "conserve," besides bigotry and privilege.