Monday, July 8, 2024

CBC Pushing For More Military Spending


This morning the CBC News website featured this story: "Trudeau heads for the hotseat at NATO summit as allies question Canada's defence commitments."  It was accompanied by three other stories all of them about Canada's failures to meet the 2% of GDP spending on war and criticisms from foreigners of this failure.

Nothing from anybody calling for Canada to leave NATO.  Nothing from anyone criticizing the dangers of NATO and the wasted resources on weapons of war.

This is how the CBC slants opinion.  The same way that it maintains acquiescence to Israel's genocide of the Palestinians by simply failing to report on it for days at a time.  And when it does report about that story it tends to be slanted to Israel's side.

The bosses at the CBC have a particular agenda they're trying to advance and it's not hard to see what it is.

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