Saturday, July 27, 2024

Eve Ottenberg on the Idiocy of War With China


She really lays out how insane, reckless, self-destructive and self-deluded it would be.

To judge from the presence as recently as July 19 of Chinese soldiers in Belarus, where over the course of a week they executed military maneuvers with Belorussian troops on the Polish border, the answer may very well be that the current Washington regime’s imbecilic bellicosity toward both superpowers led Moscow and Beijing to sign an ACTUAL mutual defense pact. So yes, Russian soldiers will very likely assist Chinese ones in the event of a U.S. war in East Asia. And those Russians are some of the most battle-hardened troops on the planet.

The lousy idea of war with the five-thousand-year-old civilization, cherished by the American right, stinks for a multitude of reasons. Following the bleak, hypothetical scenario that pentagon and also China expert David Goldman tweeted June 18, a Chinese blockade of Taiwan would end the island’s gas supplies in three weeks, leaving it without power. Then “the U.S. blockades Chinese trade via the Strait of Malacca…China blockades South Korea and Japan (which import virtually all energy).” Unlike those nations, China produces 80 percent of its energy, and Russia can replace half its food imports by rail.

“Japan and South Korea shut down. China tightens its belt but keeps functioning: World stock markets crash, etc…China can conduct its blockade using nothing but missile launchers on the mainland.” Since there’s no way to disable these, “1) The U.S. sends F-18s to hit mainland targets and China destroys the Okinawa and Guam airbases. 2) The U.S. sends carriers to attack China, and China sinks them. 3) The U.S. fires missiles at China from the Philippines, and Chinese missiles obliterate the Philippines. 4) We go straight to a nuclear exchange. 


These warmongers actually flirt with policies that will cause this catastrophe, and catastrophe it is, because what Goldman omits is that Moscow and Tehran would likely rush to aid their ally China and pile on – and with Russia in the fight, it becomes incandescently nuclear, with cities in the U.S., Russia, Europe and China incinerated.

It's possible that Trump has lusted after East Asian women.  It's also highly possible that, being a stupid racist, he finds all non-white women disgusting on a conscious level and therefore has an almost total loathing for all societies outside of the "garden" of Europe and the Anglo-American empire.  Which means that he would happily go along with this titanic stupidity.

And, when I say "stupid," I mean the same sort of lazy, stupid, shameless stuff that all the neo-cons who concocted the destruction of Ukraine, like Victoria Nuland.  I mean the dictionary definition of "mediocrity," Antony Blinken.  I mean the brazen, arrogant, idiot, Hillary Clinton, who will condemn one country for bombing a hospital while giving another one military aid and diplomatic cover.  I mean every single fucking idiot who genuinely thought that we could "win" in Afghanistan by propping up a government so violent and corrupt that the goddamned Taliban seemed preferable.  Like Hillary Clinton, or stephen harper, or whatsisface, ... Terry Glavin.

These shitheads are all eminently capable of orchestrating such a disaster.  As well, they'll all be genuinely surprised when they realize that those really ARE nuclear armed missiles in the skies over Washington DC.  (They'll be surprised and will have, what?  five seconds to "think" about it?)

Ottenberg's article is from this weekend's offerings at CounterPunch.  These always include a generally eye-opening news round-up of the terrible, stupid things our elites are doing offered by Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey St. Clair.  Those things tend to end off with a long, depressing series of factoids about our dying eco-system.  I tend to skim those because I don't find them as entertaining as the entries that show how elite scumbags reveal themselves to be the sickos they are.  When I see those statistics and stories of the natural world's agonies, I just think: "Yes Jeffrey.  And with all your time and connections and audience and networking, ... what are you DOING about it???" 

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