Monday, July 29, 2024

The Genocide in Gaza Has Become Background Noise


This is what I mean when I say that elites can factor in our peaceful afternoon protests.  Supporting racist Israel's genocidal rampage in Palestine is evidently very important for our elites.  But they're aware that other people in the population feel strongly opposed to allowing a racist state to commit genocide.

So they let those other people blow-off steam.

Outlets like the CBC refuse to report on it.  Other, less respectable outlets (such as The National Pest) instead write about the [imaginary] antisemitism of the protesters against genocide and make THAT the conversation.

The protesters should have invested in a campaign to mobilize many more people in the population.  If it's necessary to be peaceful, but effective, you need millions and millions of people out in the streets shutting things down.  And if the mainstream news isn't doing it.  And if they don't magically click on our websites, you have to take it to THEM any way that you can think of.


zoombats said...

I guess all the elites are watching the olympics and haven't got the time to think about anything else. they are more enraptured with Tom Cruise posing for selfies in Paris or whose fucking a rubber glove in their couch cushions. Meanwhile Bibi is parading around Congress and getting more vengeful over a soccer field hit on Arab speaking occupied Golan Heights. The insanity is mind boggling.

thwap said...


It is insanity. An insane, sick, debased society.

Even the protesters are affected in some way though.

We (the Left) go through the same motions. The same performance, over and over again. Expecting something magical to come out the other side.

There have been small victories I'll admit. The Jewish National Fund in Canada got its charitable status revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency recently, thanks to consistent complaints about how they violate the requirements for said status.

But the big stuff just keeps on going.