Sunday, October 19, 2008

POGGE post about Afghan atrocities

My post for the day is about this "pogge" post: From the Department of Timing Is Everything

Basically, Stephen Harper is going to have the investigation into allegations from CF personnel in Afghanistan about Afghan army and interpretors raping young boys take TWO YEARS to complete.

Because, our troop-supportin' Steve-O apparently thinks that CF fellah's might all be totally stupid or something, seeing things like Afghan soldiers raping children when they're really just playing some strange Afghan sport or something.

Whatever the case, if children actually are being raped by our noble allies, it's going to continue for another two years, until 2011, by which time (as pogge points out) it will be meaningless for public support for "the mission" (tm). Oh yeah, that and Harper's political grave will have been dug by the economic crisis for which both he and "Fuck-head Flaherty" are gravely unsuited to deal with.

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