Monday, July 4, 2011

Margie Gillis and the War in Afghanistan

Some, some dumb-ass moron at the wingnut welfare news channel was hypocritically bitching and moaning about how Margie Gillis's dance company got $1.2 million over 13 years.

This in a country where the government won't even tell us what it's multi-billion dollar fighter planes and prisons boondoggles are going to cost.

But then, the self-same dumb-ass moron took Ms. Gillis to task for having an opinion about how compassionate Canada is, dredging up the deaths of 150 Canadian soldiers in our fools' errand in Afghanistan as an example of our compassion as a people.

First of all, this shameless exploitation of the troops as a foil for an irrelevant segue from a conversation about arts funding, is truly sickening. Secondly, if we're going to talk about wasted money and treasure and blood, the ten year idiocy in Afghanistan must surely rank up there as among the greatest wastes.

If that dumb-ass teleprompter reader and incoherent ranter could stir herself to read something sensible, she'd know that those 150 Canadian lives were wasted, absolutely wasted, to prop-up one of the most corrupt governments in the world. A torturing, thieving, raping monstrosity, fraudulently elected, and dependent upon mercenaries and foreign troops for its very survival. An occupation has been conducted, ostensibly to defend and expand the rights of women, but after ten years, Afghanistan remains one of the worst places in the world to be a woman.

True, much of the danger stems from the fact of the conflict itself. However, since the conflict itself is the product of the depredations of the corrupt, brutal government, it's hard to fault the insurgents only.

The whole thing is a tragedy. And as Canadian government policy, one of the biggest wastes, one of the biggest clusterfucks. But because it involves the Canadian military actually shooting at people, it's all good with the wingnut welfare receiving, teleprompter reading, ignorant ranting fool at the useless right-wing news channel.


Anonymous said...

The most disgusting part of the whole Afghanistan debacle is that the reformers have made support the troops synonomous with support for harper.


thwap said...


It's rich ain't it? The guy who sends them to die for a government of rapists and thieves and then nickels and dimes them if they get injured and maimed, tries to present himself as their hero.

He's a sickening puke.