Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Steady Diet of Garbage

Radio alarm clock wakes 'em up to some spewing hate-fest.

Turn on the television and there's FOXNews telling them that Obama the fascist-socialist is spending them into penury and the only option is to cut taxes for billionaires and slash social security and medicare.

Read a Charles Adler column at the breakfast table. Something about how Christian virtues are needed more than ever.

Got Christie Belchforth's new book about how we should shoot all the fucking Indians.

Syria's got Saddam's WMDs!

Israel's existence is threatened by homemade rockets.

There's $800 million of "gravy" at Toronto City Hall. You just have to pay people to find it for you!

We "won" in Afghanistan.

Global Warming is a hoax. It isn't getting warmer. Or it is, but it's the sun's fault. Climate science has long been a hot-bed of Marxism.

Single mothers on welfare hijacked our democracy. They were too powerful for our politicians to resist. The business lobby was powerless against their political clout, but things started to go our way again in the 1980s.

Nelson Mandela is a terrorist.

We're going to save the world by invading Iran. And then China's next!


trevorus said...

we want your soul

thwap said...

When you put it that way ...