Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Proper Way to Respond to International Tragedies

OH! Somebody did something horrible and killed a bunch of people! I hate that person!

OH! A different group of people did something horrible to another different group of people! What's wrong with the people who did the horrible thing??

OH NO! The group of people who were attacked did something horrible back to the people who hurt them! The world is crazy! Two groups of savages! "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

AGGHHH!!! The Palestinians did something terrible to the Israelis! Kill those sand-nigger death-cult psychos!!!

EEEK! Some terrorist terrorized the USA for no reason whatsoever that I can discern! Kill the psychopathic mother-fucker! He was probably a Muslim anyway!

HMMM. Says here, Canada and the USA have hunter-killer squads murdering suspected Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan and sometimes they kill innocent people and make necklaces out of their fingers and ears. Let's wait for more evidence (that won't be forthcoming) before we say ANYTHING about this. The people telling the stories are no doubt Taliban-sympathizers who hate the troops. I've forgotten what we're talking about already.

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