Sunday, November 17, 2013

When stephen harper rocks out ...

So, apparently the gutless coward (who prefers to skip the country when the pressure's on, or at least hide from accountability to Parliament) was turning on the "charm" again, exploiting his apparently okay voice (I've never heard it) at some club somewhere.

Between his fall from power and his imprisonment for war crimes, SUN News could feature him in concert, out of gratitude for all the government advertising that kept them afloat for so long. Then, harper could learn how few Canadians actually give a shit about his singing.

But when harper is rocking out, ... do you suppose the stupid idiot fantasizes about twenty-something female chippies sucking on his slimy putz?


Anonymous said...

"Female chippies"? From the guy who surrounds himself with never-married middle-age advisers? Ray Novak, Nigel Wright, Jason Kenney, John Baird...

Anonymous said...

Yeah! We're not sayin' . . . . we're just sayin'! ;-)

thwap said...

It's possible. Except he seems to be one of the aggressive movers against gay rights, whereas Kenney and Baird squirm in their seats when that topic comes up.

It makes the rumours about his wife's preferences more interesting. Plus i didn't know that Nigel Wright was a bachelor.