Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Pearl-Clutching Genociders


So the pro-genocide vermin are upset about alleged [I'll get into that later] chants at a rally supporting Palestinians' humanity and protesting Israel's nazi-like genocidal policies saying "Death to USA/Israel/Canada."  

Political leaders are condemning what they describe as "hateful rhetoric" from a speaker at a pro-Palestinian rally in Vancouver who told the crowd that "we are Hezbollah and we are Hamas."

Both groups are listed by Public Safety Canada as terrorist entities.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Poilievre and Trudeau Join Zionist Pigs to Wallow in Their Own Filth


That terrible day, October 7th, 2023, when this entire crisis started, totally unprovoked, when Hamas ... I'm sorry, I just can't play this stupid game.  Israel is a racist shit-hole of a country with an army of cowards, incompetents and child killers.  Hamas gave them a taste of what they deserved and their fucking IDF slaughtered at least half of the 1200 Israelis who died that day.

And criticizing Israel for committing a genocide isn't "anti-semitism" and if that dipshit Poilievre was standing in front of me saying that it is and spewing the rest of his garbage I'd be hard pressed not to smash his stupid fucking face in.

But while Trudeau spoke about the need to fight rising antisemitism in general, Poilievre largely offered a pointed criticism of the Liberal government.

"This ideology that seeks to divide out people based on race and ethnicity, that has led to these horrifying outbursts of hatred, are not from the bottom up. They are from the top down," Poilievre said.

The Conservative leader pointed to recent controversies — such as the appointment of Birju Dattani as chief commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the granting of a federal contract to a group who employed a consultant that was accused of posting antisemitic content on X — as examples of the government's failings.

"It is time for the people to change the government," he said to a loud applause from the room.

Poilievre said if his party forms government, he would defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and deny federal funding to universities that "spread antisemitism or make Jews feel unsafe and uncomfortable on their campuses."

"We will put behind us this ugly ideology that has divided our people and we will reclaim the country that we knew and love," he said.

Trudeau was more diplomatic, but he too yammered about antisemitism and mourning only the Jewish Israeli deaths and not the 200,000 innocent Palestinian men, women and children slaughtered by the Israeli nazis.

The prime minister spoke generally about the need to combat antisemitism in Canada in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack waged by Hamas militants.

"What makes this barbaric attack that much more agonizing is the fact that you're reliving this nightmare every single day. You relive it when cowards shoot and smash the windows of your schools and synagogues in the middle of the night. You relive it when antisemites wave the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah on the streets of our cities," Trudeau said Monday.

"It is unacceptable for any of this behaviour to be normalized. It is incumbent on me and on every leader … to give antisemitism no quarter, to stop this rising hate and to reverse its spread."

While Trudeau received applause for his remarks, the applause that greeted Poilievre was notably louder.

And then the Nazi ambassador from racist, nazi shit-hole Israel had the unmitigated gall to whine about not sending Israel weapons they need to kill babies and for saying the Palestinians deserve their own country.

Iddo Moed, Israel's ambassador to Canada, spoke before Trudeau or Poilievre took the stage and praised Canada as a friend of Israel, one with "integrity and honour."

But the ambassador also questioned some of the Liberal government's recent actions, such as barring certain military exports to Israel and the Liberal support for a House motion on Palestinian statehood.

Moed did say he was encouraged by the recent designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

"In a world that is increasingly dangerous and where evil sadly does exist, Canadians and Israelis must work together in defence of our people and our values as liberal democracies."

These people are degenerate scum.

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Stain on Canada's International Reputation Will Be Deep and Long Lasting


As I said, the unipolar world is over.  It's beginning was marked with George Bush Sr.'s orchestrated Gulf War, as a demonstration of the oh so brilliant doctrine of "What we say goes!" And it consisted of growing hubris and belligerency up to the present day.  But US capitalists short-sightedly gave manufacturing over to China and Russia recovered from the implosion of the Soviet Union and spreading scientific knowledge around the world has given other countries more weight.  Like England before them, US elites have concentrated on the easier profits of financialization, which has produced trillions in artificial wealth, which requires creative fraud to find new avenues for "investment" producing the 2008 financial crisis and the explosion of inflation in real estate as private sector billionaires exploit every means available to monopolize and gouge.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Not Crazy About NDP dissing the Carbon Tax


I never did have much of an idea about how it worked.  I don't know how it was collected or how rebates are determined.  I don't have the inclination to do much research these years.  But sources that I have read and respected for years have said that the Carbon Tax was a good thing and that maybe half of Canadians actually got money back from it.

But being an ignoramus, it's entirely possible that Jagmeet Singh's NDP had a good reason for deciding they don't like it.  But ... aw hell, I guess I should bestir myself to look it up;


Well, this guy says that the NDP (federally and in BC) are just stupidly trying to steal something out of the right-wing populist playbook used by Trump and Poilievre.  Stupid because the carbon tax works and stupid because the sort of people they're appealing to (low information, anti-tax voters) aren't going to switch from the Conservatives to the NDP as a result.  

But really, what is the strategic benefit of endorsing your political opponents’ most effective — and disingenuous — position? Do New Democrats seriously believe that ‘axe the tax’ voters are now going to rush away from the dissembling Poilievre and the outright climate-change-denying Rustad? (And, c’mon: anyone who says he believes in climate change, but doubts that it’s a problem, is absolutely in denial.) Nope. Low-information, anti-tax voters will still pick the obvious choice and, David, Jagmeet: it’s not you!

Even more ridiculously, Eby and Singh say they are going to shift to policies that make big polluters pay, taking the burden off the working class. And they’re going to do it by trashing the single tax policy that, through its enforced neutrality, has actually put more money back in the hands of low-income voters. 

The NDP itself is saying something like the carbon tax isn't as good as a massive investment in public transit, energy efficient buildings and clean energy.

Canada has missed every single climate target we have set, and the Liberals are not on track to meet our current weak targets. The Liberals have staked their entire climate plan on the carbon tax. Putting a price on pollution is important, but it's not nearly enough.

While families are being asked to pay more, the Liberals are still giving huge subsidies to big polluters. That’s not right. Canadians want to see real leadership and bold investments in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure that will help us fight the climate crisis while creating good, sustainable jobs.

Instead of the Liberals expecting the carbon tax to be a silver bullet, we need immediate investment in transit, energy-efficient homes and buildings, and clean energy. We need a real plan that supports workers and creates jobs in communities across Canada, instead of continuing to subsidize big polluters."

Yeah, but the carbon tax doesn't hurt.  And distorting it as if its a real burden on most Canadians only endorses the whole right-wing slurry of nonsense about global warming being a hoax by liberal "globalists" to control us.  I think it was a bad move.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Canada" Doing Its Bit To Start World War III


Ukraine's expired president Zelensky did not get approval from the Biden ADMINISTRATION to obtain long-range missiles with which to strike Moscow and other targets inside Russia.  (I say that it was a decision of the Biden ADMINISTRATION because it's an open question as to how much leadership Biden himself is capable of wielding.  What with his crumbling brain and all.)  There seems to be division among Biden's team, with racist, stupid, psychotic Secretary of State Antony Blinken wanting to expand the war and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin being opposed.  Since the US military would be the people who actually deliver the weapons to Ukraine and help with the firing of them into Russia, they can effectively block that happening.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Doug Ford on a Rolllllll


This is from an image search for "grifter politician." I didn't want to post a picture of Doug Ford's ugly mug.  I've heard it's a good film.

The fat fuck first bellowed his garbage about CUPE Ontario leader Fred Hahn being a "disgusting human being" and an "antisemite" for condemning genocide-committing Israel's presence at the Olympics.  Then he got enraged at Toronto school children participating in a march in support of the First Nations at Grassy Narrows (supposedly there are two valid "both sides" to poisoning an entire community and then abandoning them).  Now he's yammering like an idiot about building a 50-80 km tunnel under the 401 to alleviate gridlock.

His being premier is an indictment of our society.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stupid Humanity


Desperately stupid Conservative Party of Canada supporters shrieking about Liberal-NDP corruption as if nobody ever heard of Mike Duffy, or Paul Carson.  As if they forgot about their party's disgusting electoral fraud in the 20  federal election.  These imbeciles rant and rave about Jagmeet Singh's pension (supposedly if the Trudeau government falls, Singh will inevitably lose his seat and his MP's pension will be smaller) as if Pierre Poilievre isn't also going to receive a pension.  As if Poilievre hasn't spent his entire working life as a politician.

Catholics continuing to go to their churches on Sundays to take moral instruction from a mobbed-up group of pedophiles.

The Democrat fuck-faces at "DailyKos" believing they're supporting good vs. evil by playing a game of "nuclear chicken" with Russia, using Ukrainian nazis as their proxies.

Fans of Donald Trump.

Deniers of global warming.

Antony Blinken singing "Rocking In The Free World" in Kiev.

People who say that the pandemic was a hoax.

Supporters of Zionism.