Monday, October 29, 2012

"Democracy in Crisis"

I think it's much more insidious and "evil" than Don Lenihan describes it, but this is still a worthwhile read.

Personally, I think there's a deliberate, self-interested and cynical strategy of the elite to exalt the incoherent frustrations and babbling of the stupidest among the electorate. For one thing, these dunces have already been trained to want the sorts of policies that benefit elites.

[H/T to Accidental Deliberations.]


Anonymous said...

Once Fascism, Communism, Dictatorships get into a country and ruled by a tyrant. You have lost your country. Harper has given Canada to Communist China and even delivered Canada, on a silver platter. All the resources and all of the jobs. What a hell of a good deal that is, for Red China.

Elizabeth May was the sole politician who, had the guts and spoke against Harper's treason and treachery. The others just sat there, with their fingers up their noses, and permitted Canada to be handed over to Red China.

Harper lied and cheated to win, his so called majority, with the robo-call election fraud. Now he is busy lying and cheating his way out, of his corrupt election cheats. He's using very dirty tactics to do that too.

CSIS even warned of China's huge inroads into Canada. BC was specifically mentioned. Harper's partner in crime, ex BC Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell thieved and sold BC's vast resources, out to Communist China as well.

However, you can yell and holler about Harper's treason and treachery til the cows come home. No-one listened. They are beginning to see it now, when it's too damned late.

Any province who has a lick of sense, would get the hell out of Harper's garden of evil, he has made of Canada. However, no-one will listen to that either. This country isn't Canada anymore anyhow.

opit said...

" I think there's a deliberate, self-interested and cynical strategy of the elite to exalt the incoherent frustrations and babbling of the stupidest among the electorate. "

And so when we get these free platforms to exhort at will...where does that put us ? :)

thwap said...

We're approaching the end.