Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Automated Garbage Trucks

I've always had a healthy respect for sanitation workers, because of the unpleasantness and heavy physicality of the very important work that they do. (Except for one time when I was around 10 and self-conscious about a recent haircut and walked by a group of workers with an apple in my hand. A sanitation worker called me "Charlie Brown" and asked if he could have my apple. With thoughts of Charlie Brown's round head in my mind I threw the apple at him with a degree of force which surprised him. He caught it and thanked me. I was glad because as soon as I'd released my temper I was worried I'd hit him in the face and he'd beat the shit out of me!)

Anyways, I saw this yesterday and I thought about lost jobs, but a job that would be good to automate nonetheless:

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