Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Both Trump & Hillary Supporters Are Stupid

I really don't want to start blogging again. But the US election farce is finally over and I've had some thoughts and sharing bits of them with one or two friends just isn't enough. So I'll express myself here and then quit for a while.

The whole response to this travesty has ratcheted up my misanthropy levels.

Hillary supporters deluding themselves that Trump voters have rejected the way of light and truth and goodness by rejecting Hillary.


Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands. She is evil. She is a servant of an evil ruling class. Same with Obama. If you believe their lies about how they want to help you, then you're a chump.

Clinton-Bots shouted down Sanders supporters (the poor deluded putz's) who shouted "No more war!" at the Democratic National Convention with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" When Sanders folded without even a vote, the Hillary-bots condescendingly told the Sandernistas: "Hey. You're candidate lost. Suck it up, buttercups." Then we find out that the primaries were rigged. (Not really a surprise.) Then Hillary gave a big "fuck you!" to the progressive-left by picking a right-wing, anti-choice, pro-TPP Tim Kaine as her running mate. Essentially telling the Democratic left-wing to go vote Green for all she fucking cares. She'll have the majority (?) of Democrats and disaffected Repugs, thank you very much.

And now, it's the Hillary-bots out wailing in the streets about unfair processes.

And then there's the Trump supporters gleefully mocking the "whiners" and "cry-babies" and "sore-losers" ... as if these assholes didn't reject Obama from day one, deny he was a US-American citizen ("he ain't white after all"), and show up at his events with loaded guns and signs about "the blood of tyrants."

As if these Repug scum and imbeciles aren't the biggest fucking whining cry-babies on the planet.

"The system is rigged! (Unless we win.)"

[They're just like the ass-wipe right-wingers up here. The ones who tried to make us believe that corrupt coward stephen harper was the greatest, bravest prime minister EVAH!!! Or the right-wing assholes in Alberta, pretending that decades of pro-business government hadn't left Alberta with almost nothing after years of plunder and that it was the Alberta NDP that was "ruining" the economy.]

The partisan delusion and hypocrisy coming at me from all sides is a little hard to take.

Here's some links:

First, ... one of the best looks at the people who elected Trump (and why). Some of what they say is infuriating stupid garbage. Some of it should make honest people understand how right-wing Democrats failed to get enough votes (almost 47% of the electorate stayed home) to trash the rapist con-man.

Two looks at how deluded liberal hypocrites enabled Obama's expansion of bush II's torture/surveillance state (which Trump now gets to inherit):

"Obama went unchallenged: Now Trump will have a 'kill list'"


"Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them"

Oh yeah. One last thing. Some people, whether in total sincerity or just casting around desperately to condemn people for not voting for their scum-bag Hillary Clinton are saying: "You say you're not racist. Fine. You're just saying racism is not a deal-breaker for you."

Right. And those millions of Syrian and Libyan refugees created by Hillary and Obama aren't deal-breakers for you then, right? The millions impoverished and incarcerated by Bill and Hillary aren't deal-breakers? The people made homeless and bankrupt by the whole rotten Wall Street/Insurance Industry atrocities, ... not deal breakers?

And on and on it goes.

If "leftists" mainly rally to preserve the chances of monsters like the current Democratic Party leadership, then it's all pointless and fuck it all.


Tal Hartsfeld said...

The choices they give us
...not much better than the lack of variety offered on terrestrial radio, or the limited number of items for sale we have to choose from in our modern-day stores, I guess.

thwap said...


Some political ideas are too "dangerous" for public consumption.