Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Fake Scandal and the Toxic Trudeau Haters Part I

We are hard-wired to be indulgent to good-looking people. But adults understand that an attractive package is meaningless.

It's depressing what's happened to Montreal Simon. Perhaps he was so traumatized by the revolting, anti-democratic regime of stephen harper that his mind snapped and now he won't hear anything bad about the guy who finally defeated him, Justin Trudeau.

But how a guy can blog every day and never have mentioned Trudeau's murderous hypocrisy on global warming? His utter hypocrisy on reconciliation with the First Nations? His maintenance of harper's Orwellian spying legislation? The deranged, imperialist policies of his foreign minister? His taxpayer fleecing infrastructure bank? Etc., etc.

Yes. It's nice to have a prime minister who isn't an Islamophobic asshole/idiot like stephen harper was. But that's like saying that a good husband is a guy who doesn't beat his wife.
I don't follow politics as much as I used to, but even I'm aware of these things. But go to Simon's blog and it's invariably something about how rotten the Scheer Conservatives are. And, yeah, Scheer is a scary, Christo-fascist scumbag. And the grassroots base of his party (and many of his MPs) are nazi troglodytes. But Trudeau is the prime minister now. And as such, his actions should be held up to more scrutiny than the party that isn't in power. Because as much as his perennial commentator "Jackie Blue" might protest, when the liberal neo-liberal party continues to fuck people over, some among those people are the nazi troglodytes who vote Conservative. And the angrier they get the more crazed and deranged they get.And, sorry "Jackie" that is very much what happened in the USA and none of your screaming and babbling to the contrary is going to change that.

And, anyway, we wouldn't even have to worry about Scheer and his nazis getting a majority in an election if goddamned Justin Trudeau hadn't betrayed us all by reneging on his goddamned promise to reform our antiquated electoral system of "first-past-the-post." At the time, Simon and his horde of Liberal-lovin' commentators ranted and raved about how it was somehow the opposition parties' fault that electoral reform failed. But this is nonsense. Trudeau's Liberals have a commanding majority and they could have passed anything they wanted.

And it's refreshing to be done with that pathetic homophobe stephen harper and his disgusting, bigoted, sometimes closeted gang of freaks. But when Liberals pursue the immiseration of the majority while championing cost-free identity politics they only increase the hateful venom of right-wing chumps who associate their woes with the championing of identity politics. Liberal arrogance makes things worse in the long run.

It is the height of delusion, the height of hypocrisy, the height of arrogance, to shriek about the dangers of a Conservative majority and how we must all vote Liberal or defend the Liberals, when it is the Liberals we have to blame for the fact that the Conservatives are still capable of getting a majority.

That's enough for today. I'll continue tomorrow.

You can post as many pictures of this handsome man as you want but it doesn't change the reality that many of his policies truly stink.


zoombats said...

I don't read MS anymore. He's too in Love with JT. and it is just noisy repetition.

thwap said...


There's so little out there now. Ah well.