Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why I Won't Be Voting Liberal

It ain't because of the black face. That was just evidence of Justin being a moron. Trudeau didn't come from great wealth, but his father was enough of a political legend in Canada that his son no doubt enjoyed enormous inherited prestige, which, together with his material comfort and his astonishing good lucks, gave him the cluelessness of privilege to think that putting on black (or brown) face make-up was a good idea at the age of 29 in 1999. Deep down, I think Trudeau is probably a nice guy. A lot of people with his looks and wealth could have turned out to be complete assholes. I'm pretty sure Justin was no Brett Kavanaugh for instance. But it's also evidence of his limitations. If Trudeau had more brains he would have become more than a high school drama teacher what with all the privileges he started out with. As a Liberal politician he's not done much more than pull back from the Conservatives' paleolithic policies and enforce his own party's status-quo of colonialism, ecocide and neo-liberal cruelty.

No. I won't be voting Liberal for other reasons. First, because of the betrayal of the majority of Canadians who want electoral reform. This includes the AT LEAST thirty percent of us who are effectively disenfranchised because we don't like either the Liberals or the Conservatives. Many of us would prefer to support the NDP or the Greens but since we're a minority in most ridings, we either feel pressured to vote Liberal to prevent the victory of a Conservative troglodyte, or we don't vote because it's a waste of time, or we do vote for our preferred party out of some quixotic sense of civic duty. Trudeau had (and obviously still has) a rock-solid majority. He could have pushed through some sort of electoral reform but chose not to.

Those fucking Liberal hacks are now shrieking about how dangerous and destructive a Conservative government would be. It would be funny if it wasn't infuriating. Why in the sweet name of Gawd's shit are you so terrified of the horrors that a Conservative government (especially a majority government) could bring when you consciously chose not to prevent it when you had the chance?!? And now you want to guilt us into voting for you to avoid the situation that you are responsible for having allowed to continue? Fuck you.

This is because Canada's oligarchic ruling class wouldn't want him to and because his majority made all Liberals remember the benefits of the first-past-the-post system wherein with less than 50% of the electorate they can have 100% control over policy. But really, it was down to the oligarchy (a few of whom occasionally descend into the political sphere to keep an eye on things, like Bill Morneau or Nigel Wright) who prefer to keep politics within the control of their two vehicles, the Liberals and the Conservatives.

So, Liberal shills; you can shriek all you want about the dangers of a Conservative/Scheer victory. It falls on deaf ears. This is a problem of your own making so shove your hands up your asses and jerk-off your own shit.

The second reason I won't be voting Liberal is because of their loathsome, slimy, titanic hypocrisy on global warming. At least with the Conservatives you understand that they're complete idiots and obvious whores to the fossil-fuels industry. Trudeau was able to convince David Suzuki that he was serious about addressing climate change when he was only lying to him. Liberals seem to be able to win and keep their voting base's loyalty by merely mouthing the right words without having to do anything serious with regards to practical actions. (Not that I think the NDP is being particularly different. Or the Greens. Canada's political parties, like the society they come from is marked by delusion and cowardice. The reality of global warming is terrifying. It's real. The predictions of the climatologists and other scientists have be borne out again and again. The ice caps are melting. The oceans have reached their limits as a "sink" for increased heat. And we're still selling cars. Practicing destructive agricultural policies. Producing vast mountains of non-biodegradable junk. Burning fossil fuels in increasing amounts. And whining about the costs of environmental policies. Trudeau's duplicity and hypocrisy and cowardice remove him from my list of credible political leaders.

Third is the Liberals' failures in respecting the rights of the First Nations. Connected to global warming and the issue of the Liberals' slavish servitude to the fossil fuels industry, Trudeau's Liberals violate their professed desire to respect the Treaty rights of the First Nations communities by putting pipelines through their lands after the same sort of bullshit "consultation" process that the Conservatives did. Again, at least with the Conservatives you know where they stand. This is not necessarily because of the Conservatives' honesty. It's just that their racist contempt for the First Nations is so obvious that their occasional attempts to mask it are so unconvincing. Trudeau's promise to finally do something about Canada's decades-long violation of First Nations people's rights to clean water. And while some investments have been made they are nowhere near the $4 billion his government spent to buy an old pipeline to ship ecocidal bitumen to the west coast. While some Native reserves have gotten new water treatment facilities, other communities systems have broken down. Overall the situation remains intolerable.

For the record, about a year ago, on the site of hysterical Liberal shill Montreal Simon, a commenter purporting to be First Nations said that they wouldn't vote Liberal because of their constant betrayals on this issue. At that point, Simon's co-blogger in all but name, the rancid "Jackie Blue" basically said that Liberals are the best the First Nations can ever hope to get, so suck it up buttercup. I really have to state that I think "Jackie Blue" is a paid Liberal operative. Her claims to be a US-American really are laughable. Supposedly she's a US-American Hillary Clinton supporter and she is enraged at the "purity ponies" who didn't vote for that loathsome piece of shit. That mass-murderer, oligarchic monster. And so, being a US-American, she's a constant presence in the comments section of a Canadian blog that serves as a shameless apologist for the Liberals and focuses solely on the crimes of the Canadian right-wing.

Finally, I refuse to vote Liberal because of their horrible foreign policy. That picture is of Foreign Affairs Minister Crystia Freeland. Notice the sign on the podium: "Democracy for Venezuela." That's the "Lima Group" of Western Hemisphere lapdogs of the USA trying to topple the social-democratic government of Venezuela. Because Crystia Freeland (who goes into a spittle-flecked rage when you remind her that her grandfather was a Jew-hating Nazi collaborator) is soooooo concerned about human rights and democracy in Venezuela that she has aligned herself with the fraudulently elected president of Honduras (who murders trade union and environmental activists); the corrupt, narco-government of Colombia (which murders more trade union activists per capita than any other country in the world, as well as hundreds of peasants every year), the super-corrupt, anti-indigeneous, quasi-fascist, fraudulently-elected president of Brazil, and some other US puppets, to try to impose a coup in that country.  And when that didn't work, they simply impose deadly starvation sanctions and theft of Venezuela's overseas resources in income.

It's curious, given Freeland's anti-Semitic ancestry, that Canada's government is such a slavish defender of Israeli barbarism against the Palestinians. But, obviously, as criticizing Israel when it incarcerates and tortures Palestinian children isn't "anti-Semitism" neither is toadying along with the USA's support for a regional watchdog in the oil-rich Middle East evidence of NOT being an anti-Semite. For instance, many US-American Evangelical Christians support Israel because they believe that Israel's existence is necessary for the fulfillment of the nutbar prophesies in the Book of Revelations, wherein Israel must become a 100% Jewish state, the Battle of Armageddon will bring about the Second Coming of Christ, the forces of the anti-Christ will be defeated on the Plain of Meddigo (sp?) and then Jesus will slaughter all the Jews who don't convert to Christianity in punishment for their having crucified him. Yes. This intellectual garbage is what influences the geo-politics of the world's hegemon super-power. Vice President Pence genuinely believes in this insanity. And Freeland and Trudeau are more than happy to eat Zionist's shit to demonstrate their loyalty to these scum-bags.

The most sickening evidence of the Trudeau Liberals' rotten foreign policy is their moral cowardice towards Saudi Arabia. When the insane, fat, tub of filth, Clown Prince Mohammed bin-Bone-Saw went apeshit over a Pro Forma statement from Freeland expressing concern over that needle-dicked rapist's abuse of Saudi women's rights activists, the Trudeau government responded like a whipped cur. Even though, as a country, we could slap the shit out of Saudi Arabia. Disgustingly, Trudeau continues to kiss the fat, hairy, blotching, shit-smeared ass of Donald Trump, who (when not insulting Trudeau) says that Canada and Saudi Arabia are equals in the USA's eyes.

[That's right. Once again: Canada fought together with the USA in World War I. We landed beside them at Normandy in 1944. We fought together in Korea. Only recently our soldiers have fought and died beside them in Afghanistan. We share the world's longest undefended border with them. We share a language, a political heritage of representative democracy. Canadians and US-Americans are as close to being "friends" as peoples from different countries can expect to be. But we count just as much as a dictatorial, terrorist-supporting, super-corrupt, religiously hypocritical regime run by a psychopath.]

And, even worse than all of this, Trudeau is quite happy to sell Saudi Arabia weapons while it conducts an illegal war against the impoverished country of Yemen. Saudi Arabia is deliberately murdering civilians with air-strikes and policies of blockade and starvation that have put TEN MILLION PEOPLE at risk of death by starvation. This is inhuman. Inexcusable. Unforgivable. Evil and Wrong.

The Trudeau Liberals are too vile and loathsome for me to vote for. Or even touch them with a ten-mile pole.

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