Tuesday, November 3, 2020

US-Americans Should Have Focused on Resisting BOTH Candidates


Well, yet another interminable US-American election is coming to its climax. And the degree of thinking that's gone into whether it will be Trump or Biden is depressing. BOTH candidates are literal death sentences for civilization and as such both should be regarded as unacceptable. Certainly Trump's insanity, stupidity, sheer awfulness makes Biden the least objectionable of the two of them. But come on man! Biden helped created the incarceration state. He's an enthusiastic imperialist. He's a climate change denier. He wrote the Bankruptcy Bill and the predecessor to the post-911"Patriot Act."

All I'm saying is that if US progressives and the international leftist intelligentsia had spent more time thinking about the inevitable need for resistance to the SYSTEM that vomits up specimens like Biden and Trump than they did whining about Trump's singular menace, humanity would be a lot better off.


Al said...

We don't often hear about them, but the USA has more than 2 political parties.

thwap said...


That's true. But the US system is set up by the two main parties to stymie alternatives. And I don't think the US oligarchy would tolerate a government of genuine Green Party politicians, even if they had both houses of congress and the Whitehouse.

Progressives should have their minds focused on non-electoral methods of forcing change. No matter who wins.