Friday, June 25, 2021

Politicians Dividing Us


Some people seem to actually believe that the divisions among the general public are entirely manufactured by elites; especially politicians. That, except for these artificial divisions, we would all be united, holding hands in a circle before going off to topple the One Evil Grouping of Elites and thereby ushering in Jubilee. 

To what extent this delusion of an already-existing unity being divided by an oligarchic ruling class is, itself the creation of oligarchs is an open question. For instance, the elites within the Democratic Party will argue that racial conflicts between Blacks and Whites are the product of internet memes produced by Russia's "Internet Research Agency." Except for those jpegs and giphys, Black people would not be in the streets protesting against their daily sufferings and executions at the hands of the police. And this asinine scenario is actually believed by ordinary shlub supporters of the Democratic Party USA. 

Meanwhile, right-wing shlubs believe that Black protests against racist police violence is "cop hatred." That "violence" at these protests (whether caused by the police themselves attacking peaeful protesters [documented], or by agents provocateurs [documented], or by random hooligans attaching themselves to the protests [documented], or by citizens justifiably enraged at their daily abuse and slaughter and lashing out in blind fury) is actually the product of an organization called "ANTIFA" that is under the control of the International Jewish-Marxist Conspiracy.

As well, ordinary right-wing shlubs believe that complaining about, and trying to do something about an economic system that produces a few multi-billionaires while throwing the vast majority into desperate poverty and debt peonage is "class warfare." In the USA (according to this right-wing delusion) the Democratic Party USA [!] in the employ of Jewish "globalist" multi-billionaires --- Soros, Zuckerman, Bloomberg, Rothschild, etc., ... utilizes class envy and racial hatred (of non-White people against White people) to try to legislate anti-democratic socialism to destroy capitalism and democracy and freedom.

The absurdity of saying that a party (containing many millionaire politicians) serving Wall Street and tech-billionaires is trying to destroy capitalism and impose socialism never dawns on these people.

So, yes, to an extent there are elite-driven conspiracies to divide and conquer. But who actually believes that humanity is an inert, generalized mass, and whether you become a white-supremacist Christian fascist or a pagan eco-terrorist is just a factor of which elite-driven conspiracy you were subjected to? 

Who believes that, actually, some of us come by our belief-systems naturally? That some people are predisposed to accept their fellow human beings and to want to help them, whereas other people are predisposed to fear people who are different from them in some way and to want to fight them?

Is it possible that some people are more hard-wired to want to dominate and abuse others while other people gravitate more to cooperation and mutual-aid? And that these personality traits, inborn or (at least) assisted by experiences and circumstances, can be found at all levels of society?

And that if this is the case, then besides the elites who foster divide-and-conquer campaigns against the majority, we humans/ordinary shlubs who do not cheer on state violence against racialized minorities and the domination of women by men and the mindless destruction of the eco-system in the mindless pursuit of "MORE," have as our enemies BOTH those oligarchic elites (whether "liberal" or "conservative") and those ordinary individuals who happen to be narcissistic, sociopathic assholes? And that therefore, any attempts to get to the Promised Land that ignores this obvious truth is inevitably doomed to failure?

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