Friday, June 17, 2022

A Comprehensive Look At The Lead-Up To Russia's Invasion of Ukraine


This essay from "Rise Like Lions" might sound like Putin-apologetics but that would only be because you're brainwashed.  Everything said about the USA's foreign policy elite psychopaths seeking to weaken, or even destroy Russia is true.  The USA's oligarchic leadership seeks to achieve "Full Spectrum Dominance" against any and all rivals; these being at the moment Russia and China.

If you're brainwashed, you might say: "Well Russia is a corrupt, authoritarian hell-hole and China is an authoritarian, ecocidal, racist (anti-Tibetan/anti-Uyghur) hell-hole.  So what if the USA takes them down a couple of notches?"  But that viewpoint would ignore the corruption and violence of the USA's oligarchs with their prison-surveillance state, their denial of basic human rights to their own majority, their super-corruption and racism, their employment of death-squads to enforce their will in client-states.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; There is nothing to choose from between the USA's rulers and Russia's or China's rulers.  We need world-wide democracy and rooting for any of those teams is worse than a waste of time.  

And it is NOT "rootin' for Putin" to point out that Russia has been targeted by the USA.  Putin might behave like a reckless imperialist expansionist were Russia in a different space-time continuum that made Russia the enormously wealthy super-power and not the United States.  But such a different space-time continuum would have so many other differences that Putin might not have even been born in it.  It's useless speculation.  Russia does not have the wealth to behave the way that the USA behaves.  It's as simple as that.

NOTE:  I would have liked "Rise Like Lions" to have mentioned the precedent for recognizing Crimean and Donbas separatists of the USA's recognition of Kosovo's independence following an internal referendum.  (Something I doubt Canada or Spain would tolerate in the cases of Quebec or the Basques.) 


theo said...

Spot on!

thwap said...

Thanks theo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention brother. I completely agree that the answer doesn’t lie with backing one or the other horse in an imperialist race to the bottom. It’s about people taking down that entire system and building, as you say, “global democracy”

thwap said...

I really enjoyed reading it. Sound thinking, comprehensively explained.

Just to expand: Seeing the USA as the bad guy in this doesn't make Russia the good guy. Looking at this crisis soberly, with all the facts at hand, could only lead to condemnation of the Biden administration's recklessness, hypocrisy and stupidity.

Ordinary sane people have to reject the narratives of the psychopaths.