So all of the outrage about the expensive white elephan F-35 fighter jets that the Liberals engaged in when it was the harpercons lying and hiding turns out to have been just for show. (Not surprised. Just pointing it out.)
Also, recently, I saw the pea-brained parasite Pierre Poilievre yammering about the Liberals having hired the scumbags from McKinsey to do nothing for tons of public dollars. Poilievre conveniently forgets how his harpercon crew were unprecedented in hiring outside consultants (generally friends of the party) for government work.
It's the same phoney outrage all the time. It's the nature of capitalist pseudo-democracy. The oligarchy always gets its demands. The two parties play-act outrage when they're in opposition and wounded innocence when they're in power.
And when the NDP becomes the contender at the provincial level (British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) they become almost indistinguishable from other provinces' Liberal parties (with a few differences here and there).
Nothing will change so long as our society is ruled by a philosophy that puts profits over people and democracy.