Saturday, July 15, 2023

CounterPunch Can't Decide If Putin Was Provoked Or Not

 That's what one gets from reading the variety of authors at that site.  Let a thousand schools contend!  It does seem to be a fairly foundational thing to be clear about in order to understand and comment on the crisis though.  Doesn't it?  

It's like checking the weather forecast and there's a lively debate over whether it's going to rain or be sunny.

Maybe CounterPunch could have a never-resolved debate over whether capitalism is actually good or not?


trevorus said...

Seems anyone who questions nato's obvious provocations, malignant expansion and cia orchestrated color revolution coups at every turn, gets labeled a Putler-bot. So maybe the counter punch writers are scared of getting hounded by the dimwits from the MIC astroturfed nafo propaganda wing or sumthin. We'll see if they all fall prey to the same tactic when nato inevitably sets up shop in southeast Asia and anyone who questions the building of missile launch sites pointed at China gets labeled a Xi-bot. Almost certainly, they'll all cower in fear once again instead of asking what the fuck is the north atlantic treaty organization doing in the south china sea.

thwap said...


I wrote a long reply with links and quotes but something went wrong. So I'll just copy and past the urls of 2 counterpunch essays that reveal the chaos, the lack of an editorial position on this issue.