Tuesday, August 22, 2023

This is how INSANE Democrats are ...


I go to "Daily Kos" for the comics.  Mainly "Tom Tomorrow's 'This Modern World'" and "Reuben Bolling's 'Tom the Dancing Bug'."  But also for Jen Sorenson and Brian McFadden.  "Tom the Dancing Bug" has shown enough smarts, and provided enough laughs over the years so that I do my best to overlook how he has fallen for that whole brain-dead "Russiagate" nonsense.  "Tom Tomorrow" has, himself, started to become much more of a Democratic Party advocate due to his sensititivities having been traumatized by Trump.  Meanwhile, Brian McFadden has occasional left-wing criticisms of the sleazy, lesser-Evil Democrats that cause the Democratic Party Cultists (the majority of the "Kossacks" actually) to condemn him as an evil traitor/purity pony leftard/etc.  There's also three or four other cartoonists who function more like editorial page cartoonists at a newspaper that supports the Democratic Party.  One example of their partisan hackery (I can't remember which one of them did it) has Mitch McConnell sitting at a poker table with Joe Biden.  McConnell has a tiny number of poker chips in front of him while Biden has a mountain of them in front of him.  Words are provided to the effect that this represents Biden's handling of the debt-ceiling bullshit crisis.  McConnell is saying: "Not bad for a dementia patient."

I have to say that I found that astonishing.  First; the debt-ceiling deal was a huge net loss for the Democrats and only provided yet more evidence that Biden is a far-right Democrat who gets what little sexual arousal he's still capable of from crafting "grand bargains" with the [sarcasm alert] obviously important men from across the aisle.  It was a needless disaster for ordinary US-Americans, including those members of the working class who cling to that party because of their memories of its achievements in the mid-20th Century. Finally: Biden IS demented.  He can barely speak.  He rambles.  He forgets where he is and what he's doing.  If you're so blinded by partisan tribalism that you honestly can't see this ... well, then I guess you WOULD mention Biden's defect in your comic without grasping that it discredits you.

Anyway, ... these "Kossack" cultists also have a regular column called "More Russian Stuff Blowing Up."  They have this column because they're stupid, delusional, hypocritical, shit-for-brains, fucking assholes.  As Canadians (who have tagged-along on almost every US-American imperialist abomination for decades now) we have little cause to be smug.  But to be a goddamned fucking US-American and believe that you have the right to condemn Russia and the devastation Putin has unleashed upon Ukraine, when YOUR own fucking country has killed literally MILLIONS of people in the goddamned 21st Century alone!!!  Think of the horrors, the millions of refugees, the totally destroyed countries, the starvation sanctions, the traumas of millions of children who are afraid of blue skies because that's when the killer-drones are flying, ... the blood, the misery, the corruption, the theft, the hunger, ... JESUS H. FUCKING CHRIST!!!!

Meanwhile, bush II and Cheney are still free men.  Rumsfeld died in his bed. Obama has three mansions and his "Kill Lists" are just another part of his legacy.  "We tortured some folks!"  Condoleeza Rice is still banging away at her piano.  And all these fat-assed, stupid Neo-cons are calling for more wars.

And these stupid "Kossacks" believe that in this war, provoked by Biden (no matter what idiotic rationalizations they might have to deny that) that they have the right to cheer on the losses (real or imagined) of the Russian military, because IN THIS ONE INSTANCE, their country is supposedly on the side of right and good!!!

Arghh!  Anyhow, ... well, obviously I've been storing-up some tension as a result of years of going to "Daily Kos" for the comics and seeing all this crap in the side-bar and occasionally read it.  But today, well, TODAY some shit-head decided to write a diatribe about Cornel West.  You see, Cornel West is running for president under the Green Party's banner.  Because the Democratic Party is the tool of Wall Street, the Private Health Insurance, Silicon Valley billionaires (including "gig-economy" profiteers), the Military-Industrial Comples [along with the Repugnicans obviously], ... they're just an all around group of fucking scum-bags and betrayers.

So this shit-head, .. "Alien G" writes his crapola, ... and I'm not even going to finish reading it.  I got to the line:

From the standpoint of international relations it is frankly stunning that Cornel is unable to absorb the reality that allowing Russia to gain, even partially, from their unprovoked, illegal invasion will be interpreted by Xi as proof the international community will not stay the course in defending democracies.

... and I just couldn't take anymore of it's stupidity.  I'm just venting.  I don't feel like critquing that garbage.  That a sentient human adult who probably knows how to go to the bathroom and wipe his own ass can believe and write such utter shit is very depressing.


Anonymous said...

Spot ON !

thwap said...


Glad you agree.