Saturday, August 10, 2024

Antony Blinken Gets It Right For Once


In this excellent entry about the USA's hypocritical "De-escalation for thee, but not for me" attitude vis-a-vis Iran and Israel, I was struck to read shit-head SoS Antony Blinken say this about the dangers of Iran retaliating against Israeli terrorism:

“Further attacks only raise the risk of dangerous outcomes that no one can predict and no one can fully control,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken proclaimed on Tuesday.

Monday, August 5, 2024

A New Writer I'm Following


It just so happens that it was at CounterPunch that I first read this essay: "The Left Can Only Win if There Is a Left" and I decided to check out who the writer was.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Good "Rabble.Ca" article about Canadian Media War-Mongering


Last month I posted a brief missive about the CBC's consistently pro-military, pro-war spending stance.  I recently read this excellent article from Mark Leith at "Reflections on military propaganda in Canadian media" that says it much more excellently: