Saturday, August 10, 2024

Antony Blinken Gets It Right For Once


In this excellent entry about the USA's hypocritical "De-escalation for thee, but not for me" attitude vis-a-vis Iran and Israel, I was struck to read shit-head SoS Antony Blinken say this about the dangers of Iran retaliating against Israeli terrorism:

“Further attacks only raise the risk of dangerous outcomes that no one can predict and no one can fully control,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken proclaimed on Tuesday.

Yeah.  That's true.  It's truth provided by a racist, shit-head, hypocrite.  But it's true.

The USA is provoking nuclear-armed Russia with its nazi henchmen in Ukraine.  It is also poking nuclear-armed China over Taiwan and other issues.  It is enabling Israel's GENOCIDE of the Palestinians.  It is enabling the desperate, deranged, deluded Netanyahu's nazi coalition's attacks on Lebanon and Iran.

Russia and China are defending both of those states with Russia (it seems) moving to provide military assistance.  The USA has its military illegally occupying Syria and Iraq, where they are vulnerable to attacks either from liberation movements or Iran.

Nobody sane can dispute that the USA's policies towards the Middle East have, for decades, been murderous, deluded and deranged.  It therefore stands to reason that these policies are the products of murderous, deluded and deranged individuals.  Such people (like Blinken) can, for self-interested reasons, tentatively grasp that things could spiral out of control.  But, being psychopaths, this vague impression can only be applied to their adversaries.

But AFTER everything has spun out of control, the nuclear weapons being fired all over the world will also be fired at THEM.  And it doesn't matter that they're almost finished one of their "papers" to be delivered at some imperialist, wingnut-welfare, foreign-policy conference, or if there's a cocktail party that evening at Kagan's place that evening.  The bombs will fall and they'll be obliterated. Along with everyone else.

EDITED TO ADD:  It occurs to me that Blinken might only have made that statement about "risks of dangerous outcomes ... no one can fully control" merely as a THREAT to Iran.  Which therefore means that the shithead still doesn't grasp the gravity of the situation.

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