Friday, September 5, 2008

Fighting Back at the RNC

More stuff like this please.

Just so we're clear here. That goddamned Repugnican Party stole two elections, launched a war based on lies that's killed around one-million people, stonewalled about their efforts prior to 9-11 in the federal commission appointed to look into the issue, and are carrying on with their racist "cleansing" of New Orleans, where their incompetence and corruption cost the lives of thousands of American citizens.

In St. Paul Minn. the police are acting very much, ... no, strike that, ... ENTIRELY like the authoritarian goons of a totalitarian police state AGAINST THE PATRIOTS WHO SHOWED UP TO REGISTER THEIR PROTEST AT THIS COMPLETELY CRIMINAL GANG.

In the clip, one of these cowardly goons is attempting to drag yet another protester off to god knows where, squirting pepper-spray at people watching and yelling their disapproval. Finally, one guy jumps the fascist prick and manages to help his fellow citizen escape. Observe as the pants-shitting bully sprays everyone around him with gutless abandon.

If that ugly fuck really cared about the sacred "rule of law" he'd be marching his cheese-brain down to the XCel centre and arresting scores of those liars, thieves and murderers who call themselves "Republicans."

It's odd how we've normalized this complete, utter insanity. The Republicans are guilty of the worst sorts of treason and illegality, but it's the patriots who the police attack. These "law-enforcement" scum are idiots, imbeciles, morons and fools.

And I'd just like to conclude with the observation that while a lot of the right-wing blog-o-sphere, like the "Blogging Tories" like to advertise themselves as "rebels" and enemies of the status-quo, you'll notice that their gatherings are never monitored, harrassed, and illegally intimidated as are those of people on the left, including the most moderate sorts like the Council of Canadians. That's because, as I said here, the elites don't fear these sheep-like cretins as much as they fear genuine critics on the left.


Beijing York said...

Another excellent post thwap. You reminded me of a word that really needs to be used more broadly and often, normalized. I think we could make a very long list of actions and ideas that would have seemed abhorrent just 10 years ago and are now accepted with little question. We've normalized all manners of torture, civil rights infringement, racism, sexism, corporate and political crimes, etc.

thwap said...

Sad isn't it? For a brief period, the decent people started to make some headway against the morons. (One of the primary causes of that was the way capitalist-militarists kept discrediting themselves.)

There's been a gigantic p.r. campaign now, image over substance, coupled with a renewed determination and shamelessness on the part of the right-wing, to roll-back the gains made since the 1970s.

I'm certain that given their utter imbecility, their whole project will implode (indeed, it already is!), but what it will be replaced by is still an open question.

Something better? Or something worse?