Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A hearty thanks to the eco-protestors in the House of Commons!

We need more of this:
A loud protest in the visitors gallery of the House of Commons resulted in several arrests and the brief shutdown of question period on Monday.
Around 200 young protesters chanted slogans to support Bill C-311, an NDP private member's bill on climate change. Six people were reported to have been detained

Seriously. I'm no expert. There's every possibility that the morons who bought the WMDs lies hook, line and sinker, and who swallow every other bit of neoliberal corporate bullshit, and whose neoconservative delusions always end up with them supporting self-hating closet-cases, are right to side with the scientists funded by the oil industry who deny anthropocentric global warming. Even a broken clock that was made fucked-up to begin with by a demented clock maker can by some weird fluke turn out to be right once in a while.

But if those complete morons are wrong AGAIN, then we're talking about a catastrophe that threatens the very lives of billions of people and will plunge all of humanity into crisis. To not even begin to take that seriously just because the oil industry will be inconvenienced and neoliberal snakeoil salesmen will have to step aside and let sane people direct the economy, is sheer insanity.

I'm sorry. I respect our democratic process, as compromised as it is. It is a fragile flower. But given the magnitude of the danger, not even the decorum of the House of Commons should be immune from the anger of the people on this issue.

For those who want to make shallow equivalencies, consider this: Two people smack two individuals in the jaw. One guy hits a powerful crime lord who abused children and intimidated a judge and jury to escape punishment. The second guy just breaks the jaw of an infant in a stroller. Both actions have some similarities but also enormous differences. Should some anti-gay marriage yahoos seek to disrupt parliament's proceedings I would have no patience for them. Because (and i think the court of public opinion and informed thinkers as well would agree with me) they're deluded imbeciles.

Our politicians, from stephen harper and his gang of idiots, to "The Other Guy In the Other Fluffy Sweater Party" have gotten away with too much for too long. Making those fuckers a little uncomfortable can only help convey the seriousness of the situation. Making those fuckers REALLY uncomfortable would probably have really good results.


austin said...

Anthropocentric global warming? No such thing. Anthropogenic climate change is real. Obviously you should not be talking about people buying things "hook, line and sinker" because Al Gore has you rooked. Yes big oil has thier pathetic scientists just as Al Gore does, he went from a politician worth $2 million to an enviromentalist worth $200 million. Him and other doom and gloomers have financial interests just as big oil does, the truth is much more mild though. The fact is there is not one shred of scientific evidence that suggests there will be any catastophe. A lot of studies coming out suggest that warming the planet a few degrees will make a much more fertile planet, but that does not make for good headlines.

thwap said...

ah, anthropogenic. I admitted to not being an expert. to the extent of not knowing or caring if i got that term right.

Austin, I'm not interested in debating you. I check out realclimate.org when i hear new things from the deniers and i tend to come away satisfied that their shit-tossing has been handled properly and that the crisis is real.

austin said...

Just for shits and giggles, is a denier someone who does not believe the doom and gloom predictions or someone who does not believe in anthropogenic climate change or both?

Basicly I'm asking if I am one of your deniers?

austin said...

I don't ask mockingly I just do not know what side of this debate I fall on I feel like little orphan annie sometimes, stuck in the middle getting pissed from the ridiculous shit coming from all sides.

thwap said...

Well, my ridiculous shit is that there appears to be a strong scientific consensus that we might be able to mitigate a calamity of biblical proportions, but that the people who are always wrong want to pretend simultaneously that there's no problem or that there is one but it's nothing to do with us.

I'm on the side of the people who say that to avert this disaster, all we have to do is pursue a more ecologically sane lifestyle that we should be pursuing anyway.

How's that?

austin said...

"that we should be pursuing anyway"

Thats the key right there. Try to tell someone that they are a wasteful bane on society they get that "who me" look on thier face. Though I do not believe the doom and gloom about CO2 our pollution in general is destroying this planet but nobody cares about that anymore.

thwap said...

Well, I don't spend a lot of time trying to make people feel guilt for being human.

I also think that we can have a higher quality of life, not a lower one, if we combine our technology with our knowledge of the earth's limits.

It's simply not the case that we all need to have fossil-fuel burning cars and the key to world economic growth is to get China and India to consume the way we do so that they'll get to have tv shows where Chinese monster-home owners have experts come over to help them get rid of all their useless stuff.