Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hard to Get Excited by the Census Controversy

So yeah, anti-harper (AKA "normal, decent people") have been typing a lot about stephen harper's bone-headed attack on the Census. But I'm having a hard time getting excited about this story. Not because I agree with harper and his bimbo partner-in-stupidity, Maxime Bernier on the subject. Way back in the 1990s, when Hannibal Lector from "Silence of the Lambs" got some mainstream sympathy for eating a Census worker, I pondered the libertarian argument against the Census. But the historian in me, and the social democrat in me, decided that the Census is an innocuous-enough thing, that helps democratic governments craft public policy and it's therefore well worth whatever impositions it imposes upon people.

What I can't get excited about is the belief that because this makes harper look bad it's going to have some sort of effect on his government. I'm sorry, but harper doesn't give a shit about what people think about him. First of all, he's an arrogant sociopath. Second of all, unless our angry thoughts have powers I'm unaware of, the only things that harper would be afraid of would be an Opposition with a spine and/or the total disgust with him on the part of the Canadian electorate.

Canadians have barely managed to stay awake as harper implicated their country in torture, as harper clearly and directly took a dump on the principle of parliamentary supremacy, we expect ourselves to rise up as one in defence of the Census?? Nah. This is just one more thing that we'll have to fix when, and if, we remove this puss ball from power.

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