Sunday, September 12, 2010

OH-HA-HA! Ezra Levant writes a book about the Tar Sands!

So I was at the "Golden Griddle" for breakfast this morning and they had some copies of today's Toronto Sun lying around I was able to read their featured excerpt from shitty lawyer Ezra Levant's unimportant new book Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil Sands, which they're printing because they're a bunch of stupid, right-wing hacks for whom such propagandistic drivel is the soul name of the game.

I was pretty sure that Levant, being the shitty lawyer and talentless idiot that he is, would have no real defence of Canada's indefensible ecological catastrophe, the biggest single emittor of greenhouse gases in all the world, and reading the two pages of shit the Sun was pushing out confirmed my susupicions entirely.

Apparently the oil sands are good because Canada is good and most other oil producing nations are bad. Using logic and analysis worthy of "Knight Rider" or "The A-Team" or some other bit of childish pap, Levant ignores the main criticism of the oil sands and argues instead that the choice is the USA buying its oil from Canada or from some human-rights abusers in Saudi Arabia or from ("gasp!") the Venezuela of dictatorial "socialist strongman" Hugo Chavez.

Being an imbecile, Levant forgets that most of the oil-exporting nations have thuggish, dictatorial governments because those are the governments that the USA wants them to have. It's not like the USA reluctantly buys its oil from the repugnant Saudi regime. The US government actively supports and protects these corrupt psychopaths.

So, in the end, Levant's argument fails on its own grounds because it's a useless piece of shit that avoids the real issues, and it then turns out to be even more laughably stupid because it's premises are uninvestigated delusions. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ezra Levant's entire career is a scathing indictment of Canada's political culture. Until we live in a world where insane dumb-fucks like Levant are completely and totally incapable of supporting themselves with their ignorant ravings, we are dangerously compromised and at risk of perishing as a species.

It is so surprisingly bad that one would think that Levant spent two-thirds of the time he was supposed to be writing the book reaching under his belly to jerk himself off to his fantasies about Stockwell Day.


D said...

Superb analysis!

Orwell's Bastard said...

OK, you know what? That's a mental image none of us really need.

thwap said...

Thanks Dylan.

Orwell's Bastard, ... I was waiting for an expression of utter revulsion! :)

MgS said...

Being an imbecile, Levant forgets that most of the oil-exporting nations have thuggish, dictatorial governments

What a brilliant description of the HarperCon$!

Simon said...

hi thwap...good post. You know I'd never thought of the dirty oil sands and Ezra Stock-a-holic Levant at the same time. But know that I have, I can see him as a pimp for Big Oil. With a Panama Hat and a lot of bling, and it's a ghastly spectacle... :)

thwap said...

Nah, he's just an errand boy for them. With a suit splattered with junk food.

Robert McBean said...

levant will conveniently ignore the fact that one of the biggest stakeholders in the oilsands is the chinese state run oil company sinopec. not only that, but that conservative premier stelmach has worked over-time to get their buy in. nice business partners you got there abgov.

Jim Parrett said...

I bet Rex Murphy loves the book.

Anonymous said...

The following was sent to Ezra Levant's blog, let's see if he publishes it.

Dear Mr. Free Speech:

Yes why don't you explain to 'rick mcginnis' and the other simple-minded dupes and chumps that adore you why the George Soros post was taken down? The simple answer is that, in my opinion, you are merely an intellectual charlatan (It seems that a university education in today's world is not what it used to be.) and 21st century political snake oil salesman. The technically subtle answer is most probably the following: "A defamatory libel is a matter published, without lawful justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is designed to insult the person,". In my opinion, you are an embarrassment to the law profession, anyone with a university education, and more generally all Canadian citizens, as you seem to have an ongoing history of poor judgement as was seemingly indicated by the LSA indictment. For those who need to have their collective memories refreshed, the following may suffice: "The LSA found Mr. Levant violated the following rules of professional conduct: To 'respect and uphold the law in personal conduct,' to 'seek to improve the justice system,' to not 'act in a manner that might weaken public respect for the law,' and to not 'harass any person or discriminate against any person' on various prohibited grounds." Morals? Ethics? How about moral weakness, ethical feebleness, and good old fashioned hypocrisy demonstrated by yourself. In this society it takes young people a long time to become fully fledged, some never quite make it.

thwap said...


I bet he won't!!

Smartpatrol said...

Re: the inital print run of the book, I just think to myself: "Vast forests of trees had to die...for this?"

thwap said...

Yet another ecological crime!