Monday, November 29, 2010

Canada Hands Minors to be Tortured, but it's WikiLeaks that has Blood on its Hands???

Every single fucking time that WikiLeaks provides some transparency, some unfiltered look at the reality of the criminal wars launched by the bush II regime (and perpetuated by the nauseating Obama administration) some White House fuck-face or other scum-bag politician struts up to a microphone and announces that "WikiLeaks might have blood on its hands" to the deluded stenographers of the Washington Press Corps. (We know they're deluded because not a single, solitary one of them bursts out laughing at the effrontery of it all.)
Congressmen on both sides of the aisle are condemning the massive leak of secret U.S. documents via the website Wikileaks as a reckless act that endangers American lives.
Can we just stop with the god-awful whining for a while guys? Can you just quit it with the narcissistic navel-gazing and the disgusting self-pity for just one goddamned fucking day? You're the most powerful country and earth, and you CHOSE to support Zionist imperialism, okay? You CHOSE to enforce sanctions that killed one million Iraqis (500,000 of them children under six) through your brutal sanctions. You CHOSE to arm and train the mujaheddin to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. You CHOSE to put your troops in Saudi Arabia to back-up that autocratic, fundamentalist, corrupt dictatorship. You CHOSE to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. You CHOSE to torture people.

YOU have got the blood on your hands! It's dripping all over the place and making a goddamned mess!

Stop it with the fucking whining and the gigantic hypocrisy for a change!

And here in Canada, we learn that "the troops" have been turning minors under the age of 18 (I don't know how old they all were and I hesitate to call 16 and 17-year-olds "children") over to the NDS which tortures prisoners as a matter of course (and in the case of adolescent and teenage boys, rapes them).

There's no sane way to try to argue your way out of this one. Not that the paid hacks and the unpaid stooges of the harpercons aren't going to give it an insane try. If you go to that CBC link you'll see arguments along the lines of "It's the NDS that tortures people! All we're doing is giving them people!" "Uh, all you lefties? Did you forget that those teenagers are TALIBAN???" [Sanity break: A lot of people in the insurgency aren't Taliban. They're people who've been robbed and abused by the Karzai puppet government.]

We hand minors over to torturers. We have hunter-killer teams roaming the countryside killing civilians and keeping body-parts for trophies. We have Christian fundamentalist mercenaries acting with no oversight whatsoever.

Listen, if WikiLeaks' actions are to be condemned because they MIGHT have blood on their hands, what are we supposed to make of the USA and the Canadian government whose hands are CAKED with blood?


Kim said...

Yes! Well said!

thwap said...

It's amazing isn't it? The crap that gets taken half-way seriously in our culture?

Alison said...

A request for new desert camel boots from Stockwell Day's newly arrived leader of a Correctional Service Canada inspections team in Afghanistan in February, 2007:

"They afford the appropriate ankle support when getting in and out of the LAV/Coyote/Nyala vehicles. Additionally the colour is more appropriate in the summer heat. On a Health and Safety level we will be walking through blood and fecal matter when either on patrol or in the prison and should not be wearing our personal footwear as it will track into our personal quarters."

thwap said...

Indeed Alison, and how much of that blood came from teenage prisoners of whom the NDS would later complain to Canadians that it was a waste of resources torturing them due to the absence of any information?