Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Surveillance Society

Alison at Creekside sent me this link in my comments section a couple of days ago. All I could say was "holy shit."

Yes, the RCMP public relations guy is a joke. The RCMP has been disgracing itself for years, because it has been tolerating steroid-damaged apes like that Desmond Sandboe, and those four, cowardly, lazy, lying fucks who murdered Robert Dziekanski, for far too long.

Watch that video again. Notice it's been edited. That savage beating went on for forty seconds. Count that out or watch the second-hand of an old analog clock. You can see the skip in the video where they shortened it for the newscast. Absolutely appalling.

But it's interesting (to put it mildly) the way these cops are beating on their victims in front of their own fucking cameras. The surveillance society is monitoring us, but in its own technical-neutral way, it also appears to be monitoring the oppressors. And it doesn't appear that the oppressors' enforcers have entirely processed this reality. (Too many ugly chemicals flowing through their brains alongside their 24-7 masturbation fantasies perhaps.) What are they thinking when they lunge unprovoked at prisoners and wail on them for almost a minute right in front of a camera? What were those Ottawa pigs thinking when they violated Stacy Bonds' Charter rights on fucking video and then entered it as evidence for their assault charges against her?

Eventually, the "embarrassment" that these incidents have caused will train these goons to be more circumspect. It is imperative that we break them of their power before they have a chance to grow enough brains to transfer their beatings to unlit, unmonitored corners of their dungeons. Because a couple of years after that, the Canadian public will go back to giving them the benefit of the doubt, except for those episodes like Rodney King, Robert Dziekanski, or Jama Said Jama, where the goons perform their thuggery in public and are caught by civilians.


I'm personally mortified to have realized that I forgot one of the main reasons why those pigs have been beating prisoners in front of their own cameras. They're bathed in the soothing bubbles of absolute impunity for their law-breaking for so long that they probably don't even worry that there'll be any consequences for their documented criminality. So far, they've been proven right.


Anonymous said...

So when are the thuggs in the backgroung of the video going to be dealt with...

A couple of items here...

Not dealing with a crime in progress...
Not reporting (I am presuming here) a criminal act by a family member (you know the brotherhood in blue - although many of them deserve to wear the black they so obviously desire)...

Any others... The inaction of the 2 other officers makes me sick and reinforces my belief that the force itself is rotten to the core.

It wasn't always like that, but since the Edmonton Police Department members actively went after their civilian authority, it is obvious that they are out of control, and consider themselves a power onto themselves.


thwap said...


I assumed (probably incorrectly) that those fine chaps were going to be dealt with in due time.

I guess I still haven't shaken off all of my illusions.