Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Food in 2011

Something else to watch for: "The Great Food Crisis of 2011"
On the demand side, the culprits are population growth, rising affluence, and the use of grain to fuel cars. On the supply side: soil erosion, aquifer depletion, the loss of cropland to nonfarm uses, the diversion of irrigation water to cities, the plateauing of crop yields in agriculturally advanced countries, and -- due to climate change -- crop-withering heat waves and melting mountain glaciers and ice sheets. These climate-related trends seem destined to take a far greater toll in the future.
North Americans should only eat meat once a week. And instead of using grain to fuel cars, they should drive less. And I need to go on a diet.


liberal supporter said...

Seriously, meat eating should be banned worldwide as well as eggs, chicken soup, ice cream, yogurts and chocolate, have you seen the atrocities foisted upon the chocolate bean pickers?...a total outrage that should not be tolerated, hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

thwap said...

Was that supposed to be funny?

Cows and pigs eat a lot of grain. A lot more hungry people could be fed if we North Americans didn't eat meat every day, sometimes more than once a day.