Monday, January 31, 2011

"I support the Mubarak dictatorship."

There. Now, if only all those sober, serious, geo-political analysts like Sean Hannity, David Warren (I simply can't resist saying what an arrogant display of ignorance his editorial is!), Vice President Joe Biden, and all the others hedging their bets on the mass protests against a 30-year dictatorship, widely condemned for its corruption and the widespread use of torture, could stop dicking us around and have goddamned guts to have the courage of their convictions and state straight-out that they support the Mubarak dictatorship.

"Oh, it's not as simple as all that!" I'm sure they'd protest. Fuck off. You either support the fall of a three-decade old dictatorship of thieves and torturers according to the will of the people, or you don't. Hiding behind decades of lip-service bullshit to democracy doesn't cut any ice either.

We don't know what's going to happen with the Islamic Brotherhood. We don't know what's going to happen with Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel, Yemen, Iran, Syria, etc., etc.,. But we do know one thing: The people who have aided and abetted the dictators don't get to have their bleating about the uncertainties taken seriously. The people who want the people of Egypt to slink back to their homes and allow Mubarak to continue to abuse them, and to acquiesce to whatever younger thug Mubarak chooses to replace himself with, don't deserve a respectful hearing. Obama knows, the way every good public relations shill knows, that "hope" is powerful selling device. And destroying hope is likewise a powerful way to kill a people. To demean them. To condemn them.

America, you are reaping as you have sown. Deal with it.

While I'm on the subject of gutless hypocrites, I'd also like it if those people who think Abousfian Abdelrazik should just STFU and go die somewhere, could come out and self-identify as stalinists. I mean, where's the confusion? You believe in condemning people to torture and exile, denying them their rights as citizens, based upon secret evidence before secret committees, some of it (apparently) being based on the torture of other people. You're a stalinist. Face it. Own it. Admit it. It will make dealing with you in the future much, much, easier.

[Thanks again to Dr. Dawg for keeping us up to speed on Mr. Abdelrazik.]


double nickel said...


The difference is significant :)

thwap said...

Hah! I honestly had it backwards!

The Mound of Sound said...

Hannity is the very face of assholedom

thwap said...

Mound of Sound,

Totally. "Iraq is the only functioning Arab democracy." What an idiot.

He maintains that they found the WMDs.

I don't know how, but he does.