Friday, March 20, 2015

harpercons' Ignorant Ravings About War Again

The last time was when harpercon scum, right-wing ignoramuses, and other assorted idiots condemned Thomas Mulcair for having the effrontery to ask why a Canadian soldier was killed on the front-line when harper had stated that we would not be sending ground troops to fight in Iraq.

Well, there was more of the same when Mulcair came right out and said that harper had lied.

"Well here's the problem. Mr. Harper has not told the truth to Canadians. That's the nicest way to put it. In the fall, I asked him ... it's not something I read about or saw on tv, ... I asked him, will Canadian troops be spotting, painting targets for air-strikes? Categorical answer, and I asked him twice: 'No.' Will Canadian troops be involved on the front-line? Will we accompany the Iraqis to the front-line? Categorical answer from Stephen Harper in the House: 'No. They're going to train and advise.' 

We know that that wasn't true, that they had been painting targets for air-strikes. We know that wasn't true. They had been accompanying Iraqis to the front-line. In fact, we've actually had someone killed on the front-lines. So Stephen Harper didn't tell the truth in the fall, so I'm quite concerned that patterns going to repeat itself.

They do say that truth is the first casualty of war. The problem is that when our prime minister comes into the House of Commons, Canadians are allowed to have the truth. So they didn't get the truth in the fall. So, unfortunately with Stephen Harper, you can never know."
Damned serious stuff. All of it true. harper lied, a soldier died.

Let me just share some of the pearls of wisdoms from Mulcair's critics that I've encountered on the web.

Total dipshit. Go live in a Muslim getto Muclair. You're a traitor and a lier.

It's not clear what part of Mulcair's statement this person has a problem with. It's probably the whole thing I suppose. I get a sense that there's a smidgen of racism behind the "Muslim getto" advice. And I've no idea at all where the "traitor and a lier" accusations come from. Perhaps this person is just a complete shit-head racist asshole? 
Let Mulcair and Trudeau go over there and hand out warm care packages and why is the left so angry all the time...
Unlike the writer of this comment who just wants to kill people.
Give up, Mulcair. You're about as far up the political ladder as you're going to be.What kind of a moron wants the Prime Minster to stand up in parliament and explain how many, where and why our forces are deployed when they're on an extremely dangerous mission. Thank God, Harper is our Prime Minister and not you or Trudeau. Of course, we all know you never told a lie in parliament. You're a pathetic joke.
This ridiculous person appears to think that telling Parliament that you will be sending troops into combat is akin to leaking details of troop movements to the enemy. This person is making up misdeeds to satisfy their own prejudices and delusions.

Why is it too much to ask that our government tell us whether we're going to war or not?

And now, for the main event:

People think they want to hear the truth. When INFACT you want to believe that Canada is the safest place and that no one will ever hurt you in your own country. We the soldiers are trained to close width and destroy the enemy. Canada is the way it is because we walk in the shadows keeping you safe. Canada has soldiers in places you as Canadians don't need to know. For the safety of those soldiers the government is not responsible to divulge where they are or what they are doing. We as a country are not like Americans every country in the world know we are not warmongers or trouble makers. We are not peacekeepers we are the Canadian ARMED forces.
Let's go through this in a bit more detail, shall we?
People think they want to hear the truth.
Right. Will Canadian troops going to Iraq be involved in combat?
When INFACT you want to believe that Canada is the safest place and that no one will ever hurt you in your own country.
Um, I'm sorry. That wasn't the question. The question was, "Will Canadian ground troops being sent to Iraq be involved in combat operations?" With regards to your statement, ... Canada is a fairly safe country. But I don't think anyone thinks that they'll never be hurt here. I assume you're talking about the scourge of terrorism in Canada. Recently a mentally-ill man shot and killed a Canadian soldier, before being killed himself in a ludicrous attack on Parliament Hill, and another person of undetermined mental problems ran over another soldier with his car. I suspect you have thoughts about this that you'd like to share, but I'm sure your thoughts would be incoherent and unhelpful.
We the soldiers are trained to close width and destroy the enemy.  
I thought as much.
Canada is the way it is because we walk in the shadows keeping you safe. 
That's a pretty tall order! So, we're bilingual because you like to hang around in the dark? Our health care system is under assault because you're lurking in the shadows? I think you were trying to say that Canada is a safe place because of the work you do. (Note, people, I'll assume this person really is with the Canadian Forces, and not a weirdo wannabe with a facebook account of other people's pictures.) But what "Islamic" terrorism we have here in Canada appears to be the goddamned RESULT of your stumbling around in the shadows! (That plus the harpercons' slavish devotion to Israeli imperialism, which they place above the safety of their fellow Canadians.) The terrorists have condemned us for our presence in Afghanistan and our racist contribution to the Great Bullshit War on Terror. Propping-up the corrupt, brutal, rapist, narco-gangster government of Afghanistan didn't contribute to Canadians' safety and its difficult to imagine how it ever could have.
Canada has soldiers in places you as Canadians don't need to know. 
Uh-oh! Sounds like we've got a new topic for a government inquiry here! Actually, dip-shit, ... not only do Canadians NEED to know where there troops are working, they have a fucking RIGHT to know. This is called "Democracy 101."  This person is positively insane if he thinks the people paying the bills, the people in whose name he's working, the people who he SERVES, don't need to know what he's up to. 

And what is this idiot talking about anyway? Our contribution to the disastrous coup against Aristide in Haiti? Torturing teenagers in Somalia? Siding with the fascists to try to start a nuclear war in the Ukraine? If this person isn't a complete liar, his outburst is very troubling.
For the safety of those soldiers the government is not responsible to divulge where they are or what they are doing.  
Um, yes it does you lunatic.

And jesus-fucking-christ! Has this moron forgotten that a Canadian soldier is DEAD because harper sent him into combat? For a person supposedly willing to eviscerate Canadian democracy for the safety of Canadian soldiers, to be defending the lies that were used to get his comrade killed, ... it's astonishing!
We as a country are not like Americans every country in the world know we are not warmongers or trouble makers.
I'm not sure why this non sequitor is there. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand and is even a contradiction of his claims that the CF is currently at work doing secret things that he can't tell us about. It sorta (but only sorta) makes me doubt he's an actual soldier. It's just feels like the witless canuck patriotism that right-wing wannabes in this country tend to spew.
We are not peacekeepers we are the Canadian ARMED forces.  
Yeah. A lot of soldiers, and right-wing warmongers absolutely hated the idea of being peace-keeprs. Even when we did a lot of it they tried to dismiss the importance and the significance of it. The vast majority of Canadians were proud of the idea that there were Canadian tough guys standing between armed and dangerous opponents and preventing them from starting conflagrations that would kill innocent civilians. But I recall hearing and reading lots of CF and military historians saying it was often tedious, nerve-wracking, frustrating, sometimes seemingly futile work. If you could get any of these complainers to honestly compare it to getting one's legs blown-off to defend a narco-pedophile government in Afghanistan, I wonder how they'd try to rationalize their preference for combat.

If there's one thing that quote reveals, it's how and why so many military types will continue to vote harpercon even after all the harpercon incompetence and deliberate mistreatment of wounded veterans. It's because some of them aren't very fucking bright and their thoughts are rambling, disconnected, ignorant, dangerous lunacies.

Finally, we have this tender soul:
Kudos to Stephen Harper praying Gods wisdom and protection over him always he is the best man for PM. 
Well, there's no God, wise or not, you ignorant simpleton. This clusterfuck in Iraq is the opposite of wisdom. It's a tragic farce, but there's so many deluded, stupid people like you around, that we're mired in it nonetheless. 


Anonymous said...

That so-called soldier's comment is a total joke. There aren't any Canadian armed forces that are that utterly stupid and illiterate. His/her whole stupid sounding screed is a direct ripoff from "A Few Good Men". What a moron! Gotta be some hillbilly from oilberta or a relative of harpie's pretending he/she can read and write English.

thwap said...


It is definitely ridiculous. It's a facebook account and the guy took a lot of trouble to create this phony persona.

Sort of thing a complete loser would do I guess.