Friday, July 16, 2021

Burning Buildings


When last summer's gigantic Black Lives Matter protest wave erupted in response to the murder of George Floyd some buildings caught fire. For racist, right-wing troglodytes (who support the murder of innocent, unarmed civilians by the police ... especially if the victims are Black) these burning buildings "discredited" the protests against murderous police brutality and racism.

The fires could have been the work of provocateurs. They could have been the actions of looters and vandals who were only taking advantage of the confusion created by the protests. Or, they could have been acts of passion committed by individuals enraged by a culture of racism, cruelty, injustice and violence. Whatever their origins, these fires nullified the merits of anything the protesters had to say.

The Roman Catholic Church is a mobbed-up cabal of pedophile weirdos. It has been suffering a public relations problem in recent decades over it habit of allowing their pedophile weirdo priests to continue to lead "flocks" of parishoners after their sexual assaults on children were exposed. These priests were simply relocated to other parishes, without warning the parishoners that their new spiritual leader had to get outta Dodge because he got caught molesting children. 

Of course, there's also centuries of obscurantism, imperialism, hypocrisy, torture and murder. Oh, and the collaboration with Nazis during the Holocaust mentioned in the link above.

In Canada, in the early-20th Century, if Catholic priests were diddling kids who went home to their parents at night, we can only imagine what foul deeds they perpetrated at places like the Residential Schools, where kidnapped Indigenous children were forced to reside for years, far from home. What they did was to starve, beat, torture, rape, and kill. Their surviving victims know this. Often times, the families of these survivors know about this. The Canadian government acknowledged this. The Catholic Church acknowledged this. But somehow or other, instead of being forced to pay $25 million in compensation to its vicitms, the Church got away with only having to "promise" to "try" to raise that money. In the end, this multi-billion dollar entity tossed a paltry $3.7 million to the First Nations victims' compensation. Because what else could have been expected from such scumbag vermin? 

Jesus Christ! Just think of the level of cynical, disgusting, inhuman monstrosity it took to acknowledge having tortured, raped, and killed an entire people, and then to falsely plead poverty to avoid paying even token restitution!

And that wretched, sleazy, revolting behaviour took place before First Nations activists (at their own expense) produced evidence of hundreds of unmarked graves of First Nations' children beneath the grounds of what had been Catholic-run Residential Schools! Canada's anti-indigenous racism was so brutal and callous, that when kidnapped Indigenous children died in their custody, the school authorities often didn't even bother to inform the parents. They just dug a hole on the school property and tossed the bodies in it!

Soon after these revelations were made, unknown arsonists have been setting on-reserve Catholic church buildings on fire in recent weeks, most likely in response to this confirmation of a century's worth of abusive cruelty.

And for some people (like the racists and grifters at Ezra Levant's "The Rebel") the burning buildings are what Canadians should be fixating on!

"Yes! I know that the Canadian state kidnapped you. And then the Catholic Church enslaved you, starved you, neglected your living conditions to the point where you contracted tuberculosis, beat you when you spoke your Native language, sexually molested you, and dumped your tiny bodies in unmarked graves if you subsequently died from their abuse of you AND THEN reneged on its promise to pay you token compensation for their crimes against you. But NONE OF THAT gives you the right to get angry and set empty church buildings on fire! And these burning structures of bricks, wood, glass, steel, etc., ARE THE REAL VICTIMS HERE!!! I'm just shocked and appalled that you're taking this evidence of mass murder as an EXCUSE to commit ARSON!!!!"

What moral degenerates these right-wingers are!  

And the point of this post is that besides being degenerates, right-wing fucks are also inconsistent. Because some buildings are burning down because of something, but these burning buildings apparently don't matter as much as the buildings that burned during protests againgst murderous racism. Entire forests are burning (but that is ONLY ever the concern of leftard tree-huggers), and 90% of the town of Lytton British Columbia (among other places affected by the wild fires) burned down.

This time the culprit was Global Warming. Global Warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Anthropogenic Global Warming is something we've known about for several decades now. Those buildings in Lytton were as much deliberately set as any buildings set afire during a BLM protest or those churches belonging to the cult that committed the atrocities at the Residential Schools.

But yet, we don't hear much criticism of the arsonists of Lytton from these right-wing blowhards, do we? That's because (obviously) blowhards like Ezra Levant and Tucker Carlson and all the other fuck-faces at theirs' and other right-wing media outlets are hypocrites. They're racist. They're corrupt. The fossil fuels sector is one of the primary funders of right-wing propaganda. These pundits aren't going to criticize their sugar daddies just to be morally and intellectually consistent! Moral and intellectual consistency are alien concepts to them.

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