Monday, August 28, 2023

What Will WE Do About Doug Ford's Corruption???


So, [as we all know] Ontario's Auditor General found that political staffers of the Ontario Ministry of Housing, up to and including Ryan Amato, chief of staff to Minister Steve Clark, were selecting portions of the Greenbelt to open up for development, often in violation of land-use regulations, totally in violation of the official process for such decisions, with access to Ministry staff (especially Amato) being vital for developers's success in seeing their dreams come true.  AG Bonnie Lysyk estimates that these developer scum will enjoy a increase in their investments to the tune of $8.3 billion.

At first Ford said that he would accept all of the AG's recommendations except for the one that says to reverse the final decisions to allow the land to be developed.  Steadfastly clinging to his moronic story that he plans to build affordable housing in the Greenbelt he accuses his detractors of contributing to the crisis of homelessness in Ontario.  As well, the fat fuck is yammering that his first swing of the pick-axe to begin chipping away at the Greenbelt is only taking away one little chip:

Ford also expressed frustration Friday in an, at times, testy press conference at the magnitude of media coverage of his decision to remove 7,400 acres in 15 different areas of the Greenbelt, while adding 9,400 acres elsewhere, in order to build 50,000 homes.

"Folks, it's one-third of one per cent," he said, referring to the amount of land being removed from the Greenbelt. "When I talk to people and I say, 'one-third of one per cent, it's like a speck on a map,' they say, 'Really, and they're making that big of a deal?'"

Obviously, people who haven't been criminal sociopaths their entire lives, and who care about such things as democracy, fairness, equal applicability and enforcement of the law, transparency, know that engaging in such blatantly criminal behaviour, the first brazen attempt is the most important.  Ford (and his rich, criminal buddies) know that if they can get away with this, then subsequent theft will be easier.

[I have to wonder who the "people" are that Doug Ford is talking to.  Is it the wealthy vermin who spit on the idea of democratic government? Or is the shit-head chumps who line up for a burnt weiner or processed burger at the annual "Ford-Fests" celebrating their ignorance?]

My question to you, dear readers, is what are WE going to do about this?  The RCMP (hah!) say that they're pondering investigating (ha-ha!).  You remember the RCMP don't you?  They invade the lands of the First Nations and point sniper rifles at them when they protest illegal pipelines going through their sovereign territory; beat people up and occasionally shoot them when they have them in their custody; and charged Mike Duffy with accepting a bribe but cravenly refused to charge oligarch Nigel Wright with bribing him.  So, ... I guess we all know where that RCMP "investigation" is going to go.

The opposition parties are foaming at the mouth.  Including the super-corrupt Ontario Liberals.  But Ford has majority so they have literally no power to do any more.  If the police and the political process can't or won't touch Ford, how possible is it that he thinks he can just ride this out and wait for people's short memories to forget all about it in time for the next election?  And who thinks that given the docility and tactical cluelessness and delusion of the Left grassroots opposition that he's probably right?

Of course, I proposed something long ago to deal with criminal scum like Doug Ford.  But I'm insane.  It's better for the Left to do the same thing it's been doing for decades, over and over again and hope that THIS TIME there'll be a different result.


zoombats said...

The fucking assholes that continuously vote ford quickly forgot his campaign promise the first time around for"a buck a beer". They're too stupid to be walking aeound

thwap said...


Oh yeah. "Buck a beer" was the ONLY thing he really committed to. All the slashing and burning of education and healthcare and the environment and everything else was left as a surprise.

And who the fuck votes for such a gangster as an ordinary shmuck???

Anonymous said...
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thwap said...

Sorry stupid.