Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Thus, ...


And now starts the interminable debate about whether the people who understand why this latest violence occurred are actually antisemites who are celebrating the violence. 


zoombats said...

Yes it makes me cringe when our own Prime Minister claims he speaks for all of us in a stand with Israel and starts talking about International law must be upheld. The same guy who labels me an antisemite because I support BDS. Make it stop, i'm getting a headache.

thwap said...


Trudeau is a racist hypocrite and an air-head. He has no principles and he's a political opportunist.

zoombats said...

I had to come back 24 hours later and just add the thought that the hypocrisy of the blogosphere is , true to your post becoming a real shit show. The years of torment, torture and terrorism that the palestineans have injured they are now being reduced to "human animal". Bibi is a gangster, Trudeau, it has been mentioned could be charged with aiding a war criminal as he stands behind the Israelis now starving the Palestinians and preparing for genocide. So much for International law. Another blogger has shown an Israeli fighter holding a rescue dog. The same soldier was probably shooting the ankles and legs of Palestine youth last week.

thwap said...


Nothing surprises me anymore. I sometimes comment on a liberal blog about some specific cultural topics and many of them are Democratic Party zombies who genuinely got excited about Hillary Clinton. (They can't manage it for Biden apparently.)

Anyhow, it's the same old tired liberal bullshit about complexities and nuances and diminished expectations and the limits of US power. They mouth the same shit about "complexities" on Israel/Palestine but simultaneously blame only the Palestinians for this. "They support Hamas." "Islam is a degenerate culture." "They refused to share their land with the Jews." "They don't want Israel to exist."

I was happy to read this excellent piece at Jacobin today.
