Monday, November 27, 2023

Is Netanyahu a Psychopath?


Is it possible that he could have allowed the Hamas attack to happen so as to engineer the crisis that would allow him to destroy Gaza and save his political career and also avoid the consequences being found guilty of his corruption charges? I mean, the question in the post's title is rhetorical.  Of course he's a psychopath.  Every Israeli and US official saying that Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties is a shameless, psychopathic liar.  Is Netanyahu capable of perpetrating a bloodbath to save his own sorry skin?  Of course he is.  His is the hand on the tiller of this genocidal slaughter.

I don't usually subscribe to false-flag theories.  I don't dismiss them out of hand, but generally, in the past, there has always been something implausible about them (usually the numbers of individuals who would have to go along with them and whose silence is therefore an ongoing requirement) that causes me to reject them.

That could also hold true in this instance.  But something in the back of my head, ... when I think about the insanely disproportionate level of violence being inflicted on the Palestinians, by an entirely racist political-military establishment, while they continue to lie about minimizing casualties, while they continue to present intelligence-insulting "evidence" of Hamas command centers, while they insanely tell Palestinians to move southwards and then bomb them when they do so, ... I can't help but wonder if the monster Netanyahu is as evil and depraved to have done what I'm thinking.

If you’re just tuning in, Israeli intelligence ignored mountains of information that the October 7 attack was coming and left Israelis completely undefended, then the IDF killed significant numbers of Israelis with indiscriminate fire and pinned the blame for 100% of Israeli deaths on Hamas, and all those deaths are now being used as justification to push Gazans off their land to the south and shoot them if they try to return while Israeli officials keep talking about how great it would be to get all Palestinians out of all of Gaza.

Such a crazy coincidence how every single step of Israel’s military operations against Hamas in Gaza has looked exactly the same as what you’d expect to see if Israel was trying to permanently drive Palestinians off a large stretch of Palestinian land.

This isn’t a war against Hamas. It’s not a war at all. It’s a military operation to facilitate an ethnic cleansing. 

Hamas isn’t the target, it’s the excuse.

Israel isn’t bombing Gaza with the intention of wiping out Hamas, Israel is bombing Gaza with the intention of wiping out Gaza.


A new Guardian article says “Israel’s military estimates it has killed between 1,000 and 2,000 Hamas fighters out of a military force it believes is about 30,000 strong.” 

If Hamas was using “human shields” as we’ve been told, killing civilians should also yield a huge Hamas fatality rate, since Hamas would be hiding among civilians. Yet the IDF has managed to kill massive numbers of civilians while barely touching Hamas. Maybe they’re just lying about human shields?

The whole argument for displacing Gazans from the north to the south was to protect their lives, yet now if they try to return to the north they get shot and killed by Israeli forces. What’s the new argument for this one? Are they killing them to save their lives?


Whenever I say Israel is deliberately killing civilians, half the Israel apologists in my comments are like “NO THEY’RE NOT YOU DAMN LIAR” and the other half are “Yes they are and it’s good.”

Why do we still live in a world governed by sick people capable of such actions?  Forget about a "false-flag."  The supposed reality of this slaughter and Biden and the US political establishment's support for it, (and the Canadian political establishment as well) is disgusting enough.  More people need to sit down and think about ways to actually change this state of affairs.


zoombats said...

" More people need to sit down and think about ways to actually change this state of affairs".
I guess I haven't got the answer to change this state of affairs but I have been able to address my own state. I had a friend who used to joke that he was an equal opportunity racist. He hated everyone. I often thought of that remark and kind of tuned it to equal opportunity bigot.
As an atheist I have an equal opportunity dislike for all religion, Jews, and muslims alike and their continued fighting to the death. Mind you as an equal opportunity bigot I have equal disdain for Catholics, Mormons, yes the whole lot with their made up stories and positions of superiority over others. With God on our side attitudes who can win? I live with the idea that as an atheist how can I be an Anti semite when I don't believe in their bullshit religion as "Gods chosen ones" who had a promise from Him. The whole fucking mess is based on a story of burning bushes and promises to some guy named Abraham or something. I believe that every person deserves the right to live in peace, harmony and in a way that they see fit. I almost want to call it Karma but that would make me a follower of Hinduism or Buddha and we can't have that. Liked your post

thwap said...


I too am an atheist. And while, thankfully, there are less and less people nowadays who would kill and die for their religous delusions, it still remains a problem that religion makes honest, open debate difficult.

It's not as if secularists or atheists can close-up their minds to rational argument and evidence, but with religion, it's a built-in feature.

At the same time, to be fair to the zionists, there were Jews in Europe who were not believers, who had tried to assimilate into the wider European culture (sometimes minus the Christianity, sometimes they even converted) who found themselves still marked by antisemitic bigots for their Jewish cultural background.

As I recall, Zionist founder Theodore Herzl was a "Europeanized" Jew, a journalist from Vienna sent to cover the Dreyfus Trial in Paris. And the antisemitic hatred he saw whilst doing so made him despair of the Jews ever being welcomed in any country that wasn't their own.

There is obviously religious nonsense bound into this conflict. Including that of the "End-Times" Christian nut-bars. But I'm also going to suspect that the natural gas field off Gaza's coastline, and the supposed role that Israel plays within US-American imperialism are also factors.